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-slight nsfw in the beginning







You felt the warm sun striking your face,waking you up from your sleep. But it wasn't just the sun. You felt heavy along with a stinging sensation around your chest . You slowly opened your eyes, adjusting to the sudden increased illumination.

You weren't in your room.

Oh yes, you didn't go home last night.

You were with.....huh?

On lifting the covers, you spot Ran on top of you, sucking one one of your breast and groping the other in his hand.

"NOT THE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!!!",you yelled,attempting to kick him off.

"Oi, don't-'...Ran couldn't even finish his sentence.....

You instantly yelped in pain as the sharp pain from your head and lower regions butt in due to your sudden movement. On remembering that you did something beyond your limit last night,you sighed in defeat.

"My head hurts..",you pouted and covered your eyes with your palm.

"That's the aftermath of the drug",Ran clarified.

"Lower parts as well",you mumbled still holding your position.

"That's the aftermath of Ran",he laughed.

He was not wrong though. You were extremely wild last night that you don't even remember just how high your sex drive had gotten though it felt incredibly good. However, you remembered up until the seventh round and the feeling of the drug in your blood.

"Did you keep going on after i fell asleep?", you asked Ran.

"Two more rounds maybe?"


You lift your head up to look at him but the sight in front of you cut you off....

Ran had his hair down.

You were in a state of shock to notice it before but now that you take a look at him properly.....he looked beautiful. The sunlight through the window did him good by reflecting his bare pale chest filled with faded scratches.

You immediately looked away embarrassed on seeing the physical aftermath of what you both did last night. The way your body reacted to his touch and the new sensations you felt last night....are they still lingering?

"You okay?",he asked out of concern and reached out for your hand.

"No. Don't touch me"

Honestly you were too afraid to show him any more sign of weakness or reaction anymore. You could clearly tell now that the chemical toxins from last night had went away and you were your normal self now. Except for your rising heartbeat.

"Ehh? That's not what you said last night..",he teased and laid down sideways next to you."Besides",he grabbed your hand nonetheless and pulled you close to him,your bare back hitting his bare chest,"I really don't like not being able to touch you when you're within my reach",he cuddled you.

Your heartbeat still won't slow down no matter how you try to not think about him.Did he put some 'anti-Ran-resisting' drug in the wine as well?? Is it because he looked so good with his hair down??At this point, you were really uncertain about what you feel for Ran.

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now