Ecstatic Perceivance

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(Cue 'Let's fall in love for the night- Finneas' on repeat)







"Oh,Ran!! Welcome home",you greeted as he entered the house.

His eyes meticulously studied the closeness between you and Rindou,rather surprised to see you two suddenly so close.

Noticing it,Rindou gently lift your legs and placed it down on the ground,handing you the ice pack.

"Huhh!! You hurt your knee?", Ran rushed to check it out.

"Ah..yes...just a little sprain",you reluctantly replied,not wanting to worry him too much.

"Good thing you came home. I was about to leave", Rindou got up and turned towards Ran.

"So soon? I just came home. Where are you heading to?",Ran threw his hand around Rindou's shoulder, standing close to him.

"I have something to do with Nana",Rindou informed.

"Huh?? She can wait for a few minutes... let's spend some time together. I miss you two",he guffawed and pushed Rindou down beside you, plopping himself down next to Rindou as well.

You and Ran were literally squishing Rindou between your bodies.

"Y/n,was Rindou nice to you?",Ran asked, turning his head to you.

"Yeah.. he was, I guess",you simply replied,kinda wanna tease Rindou.

"Huh? Only that?", Rindou sound offended,"Tell him I was exceedingly nice",he looked at you and slightly pouted.

Ran and you just shared a laugh at how childish he was just now.

"I could tell",Ran pat Rindou's head,"It's not everyday that you see a girl smiling beside you"

"I can pull it off too if i tried you know... I'm actually good with girls. I just don't want to",Rindou pulled a smug look.

"Says the person who likes to be intimidating",you teased again to get back at his teasing earlier.

"Also says the person who almost beat a girl because she confessed to him",Ran quickly joined your teasing.

"Huh? Is that true?",you laughed at Ran's disclosure of Rindou's past.

"Yes. It's true!!",Ran tittered,"Want to know more?",he offered as well.

"Of cou-"

"Oi,oi... don't you dare entertain yourselves with my past",Rindou groaned.

"Why not?? It'll be fun. You'll tell Ran's stories too",you lightly poked his arm.

"You don't have to incl-"

"That sounds good. If he expose too much, I've got a few things up my sleeves too",Rindou smirked,cutting his brother off.

Ran just sighed,not even bothering to put up a fight.

"Ran,you go first",you requested,already excited to hear what kind of stories they'll share.

"When i was in sixth grade, Rindou was in his fourth grade. He seemed to have a lot female admirers. They find him cool you know..",Ran wiggled his brows.

"But then one day",he continued,"Rindou asked for me during lunch at the gym so i went to see him. Guess what? He was crying!!...You know why?"

You lightly shook your head.

"Because a huge girl from his class asked for his address!!"

You and Ran instantly broke into hilarious laughter.

Young Rindou was too cute. He was basically scared of girls!!

"She was way bigger than me and it was scary okay? I was so young then..",Rindou half-yelled in defense.

"I just took him home. He was way too scared",Ran added as you both continued laughing.

"Stop laughing already!! I'll tell you a more hilarious story", Rindou butted in, trying to calm you two down.

After you both managed to calm yourself down,you listened to his story.

"Ran was also popular among his senior girls. His long hair was basically the talk of the school. But he only accept gifts from pretty girls..this picky bastard", Rindou pointed Ran while the latter just smiled and twirled his braid.

"And one day,while i was with Ran, he was called up to the roof. Girls usually give him gifts and ask him out when that happens. And so he went to see the girl. I trailed behind him too"

You could already hear Ran chuckling at the story he was telling.

"Seeing that she was not pretty,Ran quickly turned away to come back down. But the girl called his name,stopping him before he reach the door.
'No thank you',Ran randomly blurted out.
'I didn't call you up to ask you out', the girl shouted.
And you know why she called him up?", Rindou asked,looking at you.

You lightly shook your head again.

"Because she want to know his hair care routine!!"

You and Rindou instantly broke into a hearty laugh again. You've been laughing so much that tears even start to accumulate in your eyes. You didn't even manage to catch a proper breath. They were too hilarious. Who knew at that time that these brothers would be as feared as now.

In the midst of your fun,Rindou's phone rang from his room.

"It must be Nana",he assumed,"Then,i'll quickly dress up and go",he got up from the couch and went to his room.

"Here",Ran came closer to you and lift your legs into his lap,"I'll press it for you".

"Oh,thank you",you replied,passing him the ice pack.

"Did i hurt it last night?",he asked, clearly concerned on seeing the swell.

"No. It's just another aftermath of Ran",you laughed.

"Shall we go at it again to cancel the aftermath?",he jokingly suggested.

"Hell no!! I'll literally break",you threw the pillow beside you at him.

He laughed,"Then give me a welcome home kis-"

"I'm leaving"Rindou interrupted, informing the two of you.

That sure was quick.

"Careful on your way",Ran smiled and waved him off.

As soon as Ran heard the door close, he cautiously tackled you into a hug,afraid to hurt your knee.

"I've been wanting to hug you for so long",he sighed in relief on doing just what he had longed, placing his head on your chest.

"Is it even five hours since you left?",you chuckled,hugging him back tightly.

"Five long hours..",he nuzzled his face into your chest,"Oh!! Now give me my welcome back kiss",he protude his lips towards you.

"Here you go",you laughed,holding his face and giving a peck on his lips.

"I want to be like this forever",he whispered in your lips,"With you. With Rindou. The three of us happily like this"

"We will be",you assured, nuzzling your nose with Ran's.

You've never been this happy and less lonely than this moment your whole life. Before, you were completely empty. Lately, you've been feeling good and free from the drugs. But today, you feel pure complete satisfaction from the heart without anything more. Just feelings. The realisation of the warm and ecstatic perceivance almost bring tears of joy to your eyes.

This is this the feeling you've been seeking all along....

Let me give you some calm before the storm🙏
I love this chapter so much😭✊
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