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*Y/n's POV*

"Oh, you're back",Rindou was quick to spot you entering the room back again,"Took you quite long I was almost worried.."

It was true that you were actually supposed to enter much more earlier had you not decided to eavesdrop at their conversation,"Was it that long?",you let out a forced titter in excuse,"I didn't even keep track..", because you were too invested on the topic of the brother which was left unmentioned in the diary.

Treachery would be a strong word for now,but as much as you dislike the thought,you knew that partial sense of dubiety was slowly carving it's place between you and Rin.

"Chill a bit Rin..",Sanzu chuckled,"She's a grown woman right,Y/n?"

Confused to agree or not with the man who just made himself familiar with you,you just nervously chuckled and settled back beside Rin on the couch,"Toko took a day off,so she wanted to bring me around from where we left off last time..",you made sure to change the topic.

Rin confusedly raised a brow,"Huh? You aren't staying with me?"

Before you could even respond, floods of tease began to rant out from his friends,"Oi,Rin now you're playing the baby?"

"Told you he went all soft on her"

"I knew he was secretly a softie"

Rin heavily sighed and leaned back onto the couch in defeat,"We can't talk about anything here!"

You could see why he said they were actually a 'piece of shit' just by the flow of their conversations.

"Anyways,it's so sad that you had to leave soon Y/n..", Takeomi cut through maturely,"We could've chat for a little longer"

"Yeah right..",you flashed a warm smile,"But I'd only get in the way of your work s-"

"There's not much work",Koko was quick to cut you off,taking the initiative to finally talk to you, "I-i mean, we can spare some time too if you come.."

"Really?",you held the same warm smile at him,"Then I'll make sure to stop by other days okay?"

Koko nodded enthusically in agreement to your proposal as you and Rin hopped off the couch to leave the place. The main reason for your visit today was for Rin to show you off to his friends, and with that being done,your thirst to uncover whatever unspoken memories you've forgotten took you over now instead.

"Bye Y/n~", Sanzu waved waved you off as you did the same-except for the playful wink he flashed.


"I was hoping we'd spend the day together",Rin bitterly brought up as he pressed the button of the elevator, finally having the time to talk about whatever he wanted without interruptions.

Chuckling softly,you quickly pat his arms,"Why do you always act like we'd never see each other again if i leave? I mean,that's cute but it feels a bit weird you know.."

"Does it?",he shot a quick glance down at you.

Giving soft nods,you led the way into the elevator with him following right behind,"I don't dislike it though. It just sounds like I'm somebody's and not your-"

"You're mine,Y/n",he bent down to whisper in your ears as the elevator closes,his hot breath sending shivers down your spine in a rush.


Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now