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"I bet they're having a real good time without you anyway~"

"Shut your fucking mouth Haruchiyo",Takeomi sharply cut off his younger brother," Don't make it worse than it already seems"

"And you Rindou..",he called out to me,"Don't take his words into account. He won't probably be able to identify his left and right hand by now so anything he says at this point is to either to piss you off or to get you to do something you'd regret"

He was right. It was not like i didn't know Sanzu's way before. But the fact that he brought it up when I'm trying to not think about the worst is really hitting the point.

"Isn't she home by now?",Takeomi continued in attempts of making me feel better.

"She's still quiet",i just replied after taking a shot, knowing that i hadn't gotten any notifications from her after i sent my last text that was 4 hours ago.

"I miss the old you Rindou~",Sanzu was still wailing,"The Rindou that never cared about any women~ Rindou that always gets high with me~"

It's true that I've gone beyond my usual self and refrained from these useless club hosts and drugs after i started seeing Y/n. She didn't say a word about any of my habits but i noticed how she gets a little defensive and timid when i approach her in my unusual self.

"Keep yapping and I'll drag you home sooner than you want",Takeomi kept on rebuking.

"Oh~!!",Sanzu made a loud screech that caught both of our attention,"Isn't she the one that you took home before?", Sanzu pointed forward.

I spot a familiar figure in front of us. She was one of our regulars here but i didn't even know her name even at this point. Sure i might have taken her home once or twice because her hair and figure used to remind of someone back then -  Y/n.

I never saw her again after my encounter with Y/n again and she is not the type to peg for my attention lest given. This was basically the first time i see her again in like 6 months? And now she showed up out of all times!!

She just gave a quick wave when she noticed us staring at her because of the unnecessary attention that Sanzu drags to her.

"Don't tell me you're going to-"

"Don't overthink!",i cut off Takeomi even before he could start.

What happened was in the past and no matter how bothered and desperate i might seem now, i can't just let my thoughts have control over me. I can easily justify myself thinking that Ran might pull some tricks right now but it was me all along who had given permission to Y/n. I was tangled in my own thoughts leaving me unhinged.

"I suggest we leave now before anything happens..",Takeomi proposed making sure that things go his way to avoid any unnecessary happening like the advisor that he is.

"Gehh!!",Sanzu was retaliating in his language,  "I haven't even started enjoying and haven't drink half as much!! Rindou you go home!!"

His worthless mouth was right. Forcing myself to be here will only end up ugly. Maybe i should go home directly? Or perhaps..?

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now