Dicey Mutualism

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"I saw it coming"

Your Dad dryly respond after you told him about how the encounter went yesterday, "But it's your choice so you have to own up to all the consequences"

"I know..",you stopped for a brief second, " But it's not any better not knowing anything about yourself either, you kept repeating the drive that drives you to make such decisions.

He sighed removing his glasses as his hand find their way on top of yours, gently rubbing it, "I'm just very concerned about you Y/n. You're all I have now in this world and i can't allow anything to happen to you again"

"You won't",you assured on seeing him visibly worried," I'm not the child that i was back then. And now, you're there by my side as well"

"The fact that it's Bonten that we are associating with is not keeping me at ease"

He was right. Bonten is such a big name now in Japan. If anything goes under the influence of Bonten, no rights stood up against it. From what you heard from Rindou, Mikey might still remember you though you probably won't. You caught a glimpse of him once on the elevator too but he doesn't strike much of a memory in you. However, a mere acquaaintanceship does not guarantee you the safety if anything goes wrong inside Bonten.

In the midst of your thoughts, your phone lightly vibrated beside you on top of the table. You glanced to see the issue and saw a text from an unknown number.

Curious,you opened to see the text-

10:24 a.m
Sender unknown: Pick up at 11. Be ready.

Yet you got no reply when you asked who it came from.

However,thinking that it could be any of your old friends or Rindou's driver, you decided to get ready anyway.

At exactly 11,your doorbell rang. Punctual much.

You heard your Dad heading to attend the guest so you kept preparing your bag.

"Good morning. Mr, L/n"
The moment you heard the voice you speed out of the room.

There he was, Ran. Flashing an innocent smile with gift bag in his hand, standing still at the door.

Your Dad never met him, but needed no time to tell him who he was. You caught him clenching his fist while the purple eyed before him look like he had expected the unpleasant welcome.

"Don't worry, Mr. L/n. I won't be in your line of sight for long",Ran was always quick to follow people's reaction," I just dropped by to pick up Y/n and to hand you these Valerian roots that i hope you might find helpful"

Velerian roots? Either Ran is telepathic or madly devoted to know your father's favourite go-to herbs when experiencing symptoms of PTSDs which he developed during his last years of stay in America.

You were sure that your father was just as surprised as you but he was visibly unbothered in front of him,"What do you want this time?"

"I'm just doing these for Y/n's request",he was still flashing a smile,"If not i doubt I'd be bothered"

Soon as those words left his mouth,you felt something. Like a touch that gives you light but leaves again too soon before you could even grasp a hint of it.
Truth be told, you had imagined the thought that Ran would still have some lingering feelings for you deep down inside for old times sake though you both are in no position to reciprocate it. Yet the way he sounds make it seem like he's just trying to get through your memories with no willing intention to do so make you felt small.

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now