Lock and Key

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-minor spoiler alert









"We're here", Ran informed you as he hit the brakes.

You slowly get down from the back seat of his bike with caution as the dreadful look in his eyes inside the club doesn't leave you cold yet. You weren't sure which Ran he was right now.

You watched him set his bike aside,not even moving an inch.

After he was done,he made big steps towards you. Within seconds,his face appeared right in front of you.

"Are you ok-"

He immediately cut you off with a kiss. You were so surprised that it took you a minute to process the moment. However,you responded soon after.

You were almost out of breath when he finally pulled away. The night was calm and quiet. The only thing you heard was the heaving panting of you and Ran.

"I'm sorry",he apologised and pulled you into a tight hug.

You could tell he meant the incident earlier. This was also the first time you heard him apologise.

"I suddenly lost control so I-",

"It's okay Ran. Nothing happened okay?",you smiled and cut him off along with a pat on his back,"But why are we here?".

"You would've known if you weren't so busy staring at me the whole time",he chuckled and went back to his teasing again. You didn't hate his teasing this time. This Ran calmed your nerves.

With your nerves at the edge since last night,you came to realise that the amphetamines not only work in triggering an exciting feeling but works in contrast too. It's either you feel so good or want to destroy everything depending on the situation. You have enough proof that it was dangerous but Ran always happen to make it so much better that you're caught in the middle of him and your sanity.

"Now see this",he grabbed you by the shoulders and spin your body around.

"Now see this",he grabbed you by the shoulders and spin your body around

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(This is the city view from Roppongi hills btw)

Your eyes instantly lit up with the reflections of the city lights. He had taken you to the outskirt of the town and you could see the whole city light up in front of your eyes. Roppongi was definitely not a small city and sight you get was broad and exquisite. And all you could see belonged to Ran.

"Are you gonna keep standing there?",you heard Ran calling you.

Just a minute ago he was behind you and now he was sitting on a coarsely spread blanket with a case of beer beside him. It looked like he had messily arranged something beforehand.

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now