Incisive Wit

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*Y/n's POV*

A tight feeling in your chest accompanied you while you waited for Rin to appear before your eyes again after the last harsh encounter. Millions of thoughts on how to manage the situation slipped through your mind. A complete change of situations with the revelation of truth caused a turn of events within you as well as between you and Rindou too.

Was what you decide the best thing?

Tearing you apart from your continuous thoughts was the loud honking of a horn multiple times which sounded oddly close. It was normal for vehicles to pass by with occasional horns,your apartment being situated by the roadside. But who at this hour would cause such a commotion her-


With the speed of light,you get on your feet to check where the non-stop horn along with faint murmers and yells came from.

Before long,you spot a Lincoln Navigator Black Label parked just nearby your entrance gate with few men who seems to be quarreling and pushing each other causing a wholesome commotion late at night.

On a closer look,you could spot a familiar pink hair and next to him-a purple hair!!


You called out to him even before you could think clearly yourself which hopefully stopped the ruckus and the quarrels. You could also notice Rin's startled jump,who seems to be instantly frozen in his place with the call of his name.

"Hi!! Long time no see pretty girl~!!",a reply came from a winking pink haired whose name you can recall,was Sanzu.

Visibly confused,you opened your mouth to give a contrasting formal reply,"It's Y/n.."

"Bleeeehhh!!!!",he cut through the formalities with a loud screech,"Don't go ruining the mood like that. We came here with great energy,right Rindou??!!"

"Don't be so loud dickhead!!",Rin harshly whispered to Sanzu as he turned around, holding a thin white sheet of paper with some writings,"Sorry about this Y/n,i didn't plan on bringing them but-"

"Says the one who's begging me to take him here~",Sanzu gave harsh pats on Rindou's shoulders as he pushed him forward,"Now show her..."

Huh?? Show what?? It is obviously totally clear by now that Sanzu is a someone you can't take seriously by the tone and his choice of words. Especially now when he looks high,just thinking of what he's making Rindou do send chills down your spine.

With a visible pout,Rin slowly lifts up the paper with a bad handwritten letter...'I'm sorry Y/n..'

Cuteeee!!!! Cuteeee!! Cuteeee!!!

In that moment,he was being so cute that it tempts you to wipe out all the wrong deeds he's ever made in his entire life.

A smile then fondly stretched across your lips as your eyes met his, already giving him the answer to his apology. You've decided to forgive him while you were making the critical decision anyway but to see him like this, has another impact on your emotions.

"I have one here too!!",again it was Sanzu interrupting,waving out a sheet of paper towards you too,written,'Please forgive Rindou!'

Uwuuu..You can't help but let out a soft chuckle to see that they came well prepared!!! Definitely worth the forgiveness!!!

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now