Earnest Promise

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"Make it quick",you ordered and leaned on the railing as she stood beside you outside the store. Toko was still inside, collecting her needs.

"Mitsuya told me a lot about you",she began.

"Oh yeah? Does he tell you that I'm in love with him too?",you responded satirically.

"Uh..no. He didn't tell me about that",she anxiously answered you.

You internally scoffed at how big a secret he was trying to keep from her.

"But he always tells me how much you mean to him", Eri spoke up again.

"As in?",you sighed,already bored of the conversation. It was pointless after all. Trying to cover up something which has already been unleashed. It was not as if you need Mitsuya now anyways.

"Your sudden disappearance left him up for nights. He really made me worry about him and you too. He'd contact people you are close with and strolled around with his bike in hopes to spot you somewhere. He always told me how he don't have much to call 'family' and he'd protect those people even if it cost his life",she explained.

It would feel warm to hear those words if it had been three days before now. At the moment,the warmth of those words was pointless as the warmth of Ran blinds you from them.

"You told me this for what?"

"I don't want to cause any conflict between you two. We are not yet dating and it's only been a week since we've started seeing each other too. And since you returned and everything is alright,I was just thinking maybe we'd get along together?",she smiled, extending her hand forward towards you.

You stared at her hand. Get along she say?

"What if I'd like you to rot in hell?",you stood up straight and faced her.

"Eh?",she was dumbstruck,still not getting used to your newfound rudeness.

You find it selfish of her to get along with you for the sake of Mitsuya. She sounded as if she wouldn't care if not for Mitsuya. You too were selfish for hating her just because of Mitsuya when she didn't do anything to you either....but who gives a shit if one's a little selfish for themselves. Everyone is too!!!

"I doubt i want such happy ending",you laughed,"Also,i hope we don't talk anymore after this. I'm not such a nice person okay? I cannot tell you what I'd do if you keep showing up. Love each other lots and live a happy life together.....well,at least you two",you slapped her hand away and left her behind to escort Toko.

You knew you walked away with a hint of jealousy in your words. After all,it was not easy to trash what you've been chasing for the past 9 years. It took you 9 years to realise that you cannot have what is not meant to be yours all along. But now,you want to achieve your own happiness  - by  leaving  everything behind to start a new beginning,for better or for worst.





"I'm home",your voice rang through the house as you entered.

You instantly hear footsteps rushing towards you.

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now