Deranged Attachment

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Walking out of the shower,you went through your closet to pick an outfit.

Three days left for your plane to depart,plus,it was your mom's birthday. You decided to show up today as promised and take the chance to shut down your father's ordinance as ordered.

"You done yet?", concerned,Ran walked into the room as you took longer than usual.

"Almost..still guessing what i should wear",you replied,still going through your clothes.

Honestly speaking, time seemed to be flying while you wonder how to bring up the refusal. You hadn't contacted your mom recently to even have a guess at how the talk between them went. Lately, you've been continuously taking more and more pills to ease your stress and to get away from life,making the harsh land on reality tormenting.

"Don't show too much skin..",you tensed up when Ran suddenly whispered into your ear,"I'm not gonna be there~"

"Is that so?",you smirked as you turned around to face him, playing with his braid, "Then how much skin do you allow me to show you?"

It would be safe to say that Ran had been pretty much his usual self when only the two of you were together as he tends to get playful every once in a while. However,the moment you stepped out into other men's field of view was when he switched with his other self. You learnt to be cautious especially in Rindou's presence, when Ran would check your direction of gaze constantly.

"I kinda find this a hassle..",he licked his lips,teasing the rim of the bathrobe you tied to cover your bare body,"Do you mind...a quickie?"

Chuckling,you grabbed his hand,stopping him from undoing the robe. You wouldn't had mind taking his offer if you were not running late. But knowing Ran,just a quickie was not enough for him.

"I'll be too late you know.."

Pouting,he dryly stared at you for your excuse.

"Why don't we have fun later when i come back?",you offered as you whispered into his ears.

He hummed as you felt his hands roaming around your waist,"Don't blame me if you have trouble walking later on~"

"I'd be more than pleased if that happens",you lightly grazed his ear with your lips before pulling away,"Then..i'll be out in ten minutes"




"Call me when you're done,okay? I'll pick you up again",Ran proposed as you hopped off from the back seat of his bike.

"Sure thing!!",you saluted sarcastically, earning a chuckle from him.

"Well then, I'm leaving",he gave you a peck on your lips before riding off.



"Happy Birthday!!",you attacked your mom with a hug as soon as she opened the front door.

Laughing,she embraced you into her arms as well,"I thought you weren't coming.. I'm really glad you did".

"I promised didn't i?",you hugged her tighter.

"Yes!! My daughter keeps her promises!!",she gently stroke your back from behind.

"Oh, oh!! Here you go!!",you quickly pulled away and hand her a small square box you had bought for her.

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now