Epiphany Unfolding

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-nsfw content

(Listen to your horny jams for feels)










"Get on the bed and strip",he commanded.

You quickly obeyed and jumped into the bed as you got the response you wanted. It's only been a day since you felt his touch and yet it felt like ages and you're dying to feel his hands up your body again. The drug has completed it's job and made your body shiver from excitement. However,the way Ran touch you,the way his tongue works on your body and how he made love to you.... they're even better than the amphetamines. It was as if he was the drug itself and you're madly addicted to it.

You knelt on the bed as you slowly took off your clothes from your top,your pants and then your bra. Your could faintly feel your left knee stinging in pain but that was the least of your concerns right now as you get the sight of Ran stroking himself on the couch as he watched your every action.

Just when your fingers hook the rim of your panty to remove it..."Stop there",he ordered and got up,making his way towards you.

Once you were within his reach,he instantly pushed you down the bed and climbed on top of you. Without hesitation,he connected both of your lips, owning dominance as he forcefully pushed his tongue inside your mouth. You had longed for this feeling so long that you didn't even bother to put up a fight although a part of you wanted to test his limits.

He suddenly shoved his knee in between your legs, catching you off guard as you moaned into his mouth. He happily took in all of your moans as you squirmed under him with the thin piece of fabric separating you. Only to add more pleasure,he palms your naked chest,his fingers pinching your nipples and pulling them to a hard point. You can't help but let out breathy moans into his mouth at his undoing.

Being impatient yourself,you grind yourself onto his thigh,hoping to get some satisfaction. He smirked through your lips on noticing your actions.

Loving how impatient you were for him,he shoved his knee up higher with a thin line between pain and pleasure. The combination of the fabric of your panty and his pants stimulated just the right amount of pleasure to your clit that you can't help but grind harder to receive more pleasure,making you slowly get close to your high.

Seeing the expression he was all too familiar with,Ran swiftly withdrew his knee from your centre.

You whimpered at the loss of contact and looked at him questioningly for what he just did.

"Not so soon",he chuckled,removing his top and pants,"I told you I'd fuck your brains out didn't i?"

As he knelt in between your legs,he swiftly pulled down your panty and discard it to the side. He had long undressed you in his mind but seeing you bare naked right in front of his eyes leaves the blood rushing into his lower regions real quick.

Gripping you by your inner thighs,he pulled your legs apart and bent down to your heat. You cheeks were flushed red on suddenly being exposed to him though it was not the first time. It was just that the way he lustfully trailed his eyes down your naked form always leave you mousy.

You instantly threw your head back when you feel his warm muscle take a lick on your clit. One of your hands immediately went down to grip his now-loosened braid while the other gripped the sheets. He began to circle his tongue up and down your centre making you let out an uninvited moan.

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now