Who are you?

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*Y/n's POV*

You woke up the for second time of the day. Ran had softly shook you out of sleep this time. You rubbed your eyes and slowly took in his form. He had taken a bath and put on his black and white knee-length uniform. He also had his hair braided again.

"What time is it?",you yawned.

"Around noon. You're really knocked out huh?",he teased you.

"I'm not. You're just a monster",you shot up in defence. The throbbing in your head had died down a little and so does your lower body.

He just laughed at your pride and kept on adjusting his belt and suit.

"You're going out?",you asked.

"Yeah. It won't take long. Just an Area authority meeting. Don't go anywhere,ok?",he looked at you and waited for your response.

"As if i know where to go. Also, we made a deal. I'm not that untrustworthy!!",you threw the pillow at him.

He caught it and put it down to the side,"I trust you.. it's just that.."

"Just what?"

"I ordered takeaways and placed them on the table. Take a bath and have them. You smell like sex",he stuck his tongue out at you.

Your jaw dropped in disbelief. If only you were in top condition you would've chased him out right away. But RIP them legs so you threw the bottle beside the bed at him again. He dodged it this time as well.

"I'll buy clothes and stuffs for you on my way home. Wear my clothes till then. I'm a bit late now so I'm heading out",he smiled and waved his hand, leaving the room.

"Have a nice day",you waved him back.

You took an extremely long hot bath to calm your tense muscles and threw Ran's shirt and pants after you were done. You giggled on looking yourself at the mirror. His legs were so damn long that you had to fold the pants up numerous inches.

You went through your phone while having your brunch. Tons of messages popped up from Toko-

[11:57 p.m]
"Y/n-chan..why did you let him drop me off?"
[12:00 a.m]
"He's scary😵"
[12:04 a.m]
"He looks like he's in a bad mood!!"
[12:06 a.m]
"Don't leave me behind Y/n-chan!!"
[12:15 a.m]
"I just reached home"
[12.30 a.m]
"You're okay right?"
[1:00 a.m]
"Don't die..Y/n-chan!!!😭😭"

[8:30 a.m]
"Mitsuya-kun called me. I told him i don't know anything 😭"

That was the last message from her.

There were messages and calls from your mom, Takemichi, Mikey and Mitsuya as well but you ignored them. You wanted to get away from life in Shibuya for the next three days or even more...

With nothing much to do,all you did for the day was collecting your clothings together which you threw around to god-knows-where last night.

You quickly shot up from the bed on hearing the  main door unlock. You had intended to hide behind the door and knock out whoever was entering inside. But you quickly changed your mind on hearing Ran's voice,"I'm home".

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now