Iniquitous Reverie

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-slight nsfw warning








*Y/n's POV*

"You love me right,Rindou?"

His reaction alone was already enough of an answer.

"What if i said i do?",he traced your bottom lip with his thumb,eyes locked on yours.

The unfamiliar closeness between your bodies was unusually exciting. He doesn't look like the usual Rindou but as much as you are tempted to push more of his boundaries..

"Nana and Ra-"

You couldn't even finish your sentence when he literally pushed you down into the couch and climbed on top of you,pinning both your hands above. Before you could even comprehend his actions,he leaned down to whisper in your ear,

"For once. Just this once.. can't you choose me over brother?"

The moment those words left his mouth,you felt a wave of emotions crash upon you.

The place where Rindou where you have been standing for the past 9 years. Begging to be of certain importance to someone,craving their attention, wishing to touch them and hoping they'll love you back...

You knew the feeling all too much... it was nothing but pain.

Your sanity was burning at both ends. At this juncture, you've grown way too attached to the way Rindou loves you,which was completely different from Ran. He could convey his emotions without a touch of lust and yet you can always feel the warmth of his feelings he poured out in each and every action he made. Furthermore,it was a brand new form of affection anyone has ever shown to you - solicitude straight from the heart.

Slowly,your hands came up to rest on his neck. The little spark of fellow feeling you had towards him proved to be existent after all.

Once? Just once wouldn't hurt right? It wouldn't be so bad to return all he has done for you just once right? And there you go finding a reason to be right...

Yes Y/n,just once.


Closing your eyes,you pulled his face closer and connected your lips.

He froze in shock for a moment or two until the last string of his patience finally snap.

Tilting his head,he instantly pushed his tongue into your mouth, intertwining both your hands together above you. You responded immediately,both your tongues moving in rythym.

His warmth,his scent and his touch..

It was wrong yet it feels so right.

What do you actually feel towards this man?

Just fellow feelings..

Or more?

One of his hands detach from your hand and slipped through your shirt making you inhale sharply. Your nerves were on edge and you were being responsive than usual even to your amazement.

"You're shaking",he pulled away and pointed out.


You just noticed your trembling hands which held tightly onto the fabric of his shirt. Your mind and body was betraying you in all possible ways just with a slight touch of this Rindou.

"I'll stop if you don't want t-"

Cutting him off,you instantly connected your lips again. It was not that you don't want it. Moreover,it was the opposite. You just couldn't sort out as to why you're reacting atypically.

Nonetheless,he pulled away again leaving you in a state of confusion.

"Let's first calm those nerves,shall we?",he smirked.

Reaching out to the table,he spewed the amphetamine tablets from the box all over the table. He seemed to figure out that just the drinks won't be enough to get away with.

Taking a single pill,he bit it between his teeth as he leaned down closer. Grabbing your jaw,he forced your mouth open and kissed you, pushing the pill into your mouth. Quickly retreating,he poured the leftover wine from his glass into his mouth and connected your lips once again,spilling the drink in his mouth to yours again.


You obeyed, swallowing the pill along with the wine.

"Good girl"

The sudden change in his demeanor only fueled the fire of the atmosphere. His dominant appeal finally won you over, making you completely throw all cautions into the air. The only thing in your mind now was the man above you.

He swiftly discarded his glasses along with his sweater and top,leaving him completely shirtless. His handsome face, his ripped physique and the tattoo that ran from his chest and lower was utterly mesmerizing. The sight was doubtlessly titillating.

You were woken up from your trance when you feel him tugging at the rim of your shirt. Quickly lifting your upper body,you let him discard your top as well. His eyes instantly traced every curve and detail of your naked flesh in awe. After all,this was the sight he had always dreamt of.

You could feel the drug slowly kicking in already due to your prior intoxication. Noticing it, Rindou bend down closer,with one hand keeping him in place while the other softly caressed your cheek. You could feel his lips grazing against yours..


His eyes met yours.

"..I love you.."

Without delay,he smashed his lips on yours and immediately pulled you into a deep kiss. Both your tongues moved in sync automatically, exchanging breathy moans in the midst of your overflowing emotions.

When he read that you were distracted with his tongue,his hands swiftly roamed down lower and harshly groped your breast through the material of your bra. You gasped from both shock and pleasure into his mouth. Without giving you a break,his other hand latched itself to the other side and groped it again,but much harder than before making you pull away to let out a soft moan into the air. Now both his palms were kneading your breast in circles with a thin line between pain and pleasure. Your lower regions were already throbbing,anticipating when his bare hands will touch bare flesh.

His tongue then traced along your jaw to your ear and then down to your neck. When you feel him suck lightly at the skin,a wave of conscience knocked over you,waking you up from your iniquitous reverie.

Ran is coming home tomorrow!!

"N-no marks.."

Rindou abruptly stopped his actions and slowly retreated from your warmth. With a heavy sigh,he leaned back into the couch with his arm resting on his forehead. Confused by his sudden change of actions,you slowly lift yourself up to check on him.

Did you say something wrong?

"Rindou..?",you softly shook his arm.

"Do you want the start of us to be this way?"

Fluffs are coming~😊
Ran is coming too~😃
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