Battle of Obduracy

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-violence alert









"When are you leaving?",you mom peeked through the door of your room while you packed your stuffs. You could see that she was about to leave for work too.

"Around noon. I have to drop by at Toko's house",you stopped your actions and replied her.

"Oh, you'll be gone by the time i come back...."she looked a little gloomy.

"Don't go making that face",you scolded and went forward to hug her,"Your birthday's coming up. I'll show up. Okay?",you pat her back.

"Take care. I love you lots",she hugged you back tightly.

"Love you too,mom"

Curious at Takemichi's message from last night,you took a peek of your front door from the window. You can clearly see Mitsuya's bike nearby which indicates his presence close by. So they are really set on their plan huh? You wonder how they even knew about it....

Swinging your bag over your shoulder,you pulled up your bedroom window. They should've known better that you won't back down on decisions you've made. Front door is not the only escape from an apartment when windows exist. You knew jumping off from the window was little high and risky...but who's waiting on the other side wiped away all your fears.

Without thinking twice, you jumped off the window.

You hopefully landed on the hard ground with your left knee and sighed in relief that you actually manage to land. It was pretty high but you're lucky you didn't get- "ack!!!"

You almost knelt back down as soon as you got up. The harsh land definitely took some toll on your knees and it was hard to comfortably stand or walk. You're just not lucky enough to get away uninjured after jumping from a three-storeyed apartment huh..

However,you limped forward. You're tough enough and it's not even the first time you injured yourself so you're dead set on limping till Shibuya station if you had to!!






There were no signs of Mitsuya or Takemichi so far when you reached Toko's house therefore you assume that they haven't figured out that you escaped yet. It was only 2 in the afternoon so you had time to recover at Toko's house till you leave for the station at 6.

"I can drop you off. Your knee has still not recovered yet",Toko insisted while you put your shoes on.

You put on ice packs a few hours before you had to leave and it was true that it was not perfectly fine yet. But bringing her would only cause you trouble. She herself is the type to run into troubles so you want to avoid it.

"I'm fine. It's not broken",you assured and ruffled her hair,"Don't run into troubles okay? I'm not gonna be there anymore",you stretched a narrow smile.

She nodded as she hugged you tight and see you off till the front door.

After walking for a while,your knee began to hurt and you had no choice but to limp forward again. You would've already reached the station if you hadn't hurt your knee and went running instead. Tch. Because of those annoying brats.

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now