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*Y/n's POV*


You had another boyfriend besides Ran and he didn't note it down? Just what amount of details did he left out? Looking back on how the story revolves around only you and Ran on the diary, treachery perfectly fits the circumstances now.

Running into Kazutora who was supposedly your ex boyfriend,though pure coincidence seemed to be vastly helpful to you like he said himself. He must've known a lot about you along with all that happened before you and Ran met. Besides,he doesn't sound like that bad  of a person to be uncertain about his offer for help. Though there was little chance for you to  recall whatever he disclosed, just hearing them to confirm the sense of dubiety was enough of a reason itself.

"Y/n-chan~!!",waking you up from your trance, you knew exactly who it was from the way your name came out of her mouth.

With a visible pout,you turned around to see the ball of vitamin sprinting towards you,"You're late you know that?",you complained.

"It's",struggling to catch her breath,she finally caught up to you,"I had to.. drop him off at grandma's so.."

"I was kidding",you laughed as your hand came up to pat her head,"Now catch a proper breath"

Likewise,she complied and took deep inhales and exhales until she could climb down to her usual pace.

"So Y/n-cha-"


The sound of your name overlaps with voices of Toko and Kazutora,who just stepped out of the store.

"Huh?",Toko confusedly exchanged gazes between you and him, wondering how the hell he was able to know you.

"Oh!! Toko,this is Kazutora",you introduced to clarify the doubt in her face,"He' ex boyfriend. And Kazutora, this is my best friend Toko"

Kazutora was the first to extend an arm forward ,"Nice to meet you Toko. Like Y/n said, I'm Kazutora Hanemiya"

"Kazutora?", Toko's inner thoughts began to wonder as she called out his name which held a sense of familiarity to her,"..kazutora"

"Oh!! Kazutora!!!",she finally came to realise something,"I heard a lot from Draken about you!! You and Y/n-chan had something going back then right?!!"

Kazutora hand's shyly came to rub the nape of his neck,"Oh from Draken? Well,yeah he's not completely lying about that.."

"I knew it!!",Toko proudly smirked with a punch of victory into the air,"So how'd you come to meet up here?"

"Pure coincidence with your help",you poked Toko's arm with a laugh,"It's all because you're late!!"

A visible pout formed on Toko's lips this time,"I already apologised Y/n-chan!! You even said it's okay!!",her hands grabbed yours,"Now let's move before you could bring it up agai-"

"Wait!!",you quickly retract your hand from her grip,leaving the blonde utterly surprised.

"Kazutora is joining us today",you continued, answering the unasked questions written all over her face,"He offered to help and since our aim were in terms,i agreed"

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now