Inutile Trust

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{I enjoyed listening to Bad Habits(slowed and reverbed) by Solstice while typing so might as well suggest it}







*Ran's POV*

Filled with consternation after she cut the call,i hastily rushed out of the club to where Y/n said she was hiding. I sped through the streets as i was beyond worried of what she might do if i am even any second late. The way her voice trembled in fear drove me to ruins and I can't help but wonder if she'll go to the extend of doing something to herself.

Y/n had always had her specific reason not to kill someone even in her blitzed state. She's always been the one to stop me from doing so too.

So how could this happen???

Who pushed her beyond her limits??

If anything happens to her,i swear whoever impelled her to act beyond herself,i will kill them even if she didn't!!



"Y/n?",i called out as i quickly hopped off from my ride and inspect the dark groove where i supposed she said she was.

I get no reply but received my confirmation when i saw the body of a woman lying on the ground with a pool of blood around her. It was terrible sight even for myself though I've seen worst. So i could tell how freaked out Y/n must've been..

But where is she??

Rummaging through my pocket,i took my phone out and dialed her number before worst thoughts could stir me up.

Soon,i heard a phone vibrating a few metres in front of me,probably behind the large trash bin around the corner. Slowly,i made soft steps towards the direction of vibration until i could surely tell that it was Y/n.

Noticing the colour of the shirt she wore peeking out behind the bin,i could confidently rush over to comfort her. However,the moment i catch a glimpse of her,my heart sunk into deeper despair than it already was...

..her hands and face were covered in blood!!

Moreover,she looked afraid and out of place and her body won't stop trembling. She tightly covered her ears with both her hands and shut her eyes close.

"Y/n!!",calling out to her,i slump down beside her and uncovered her ears as i took her trembling hands into mine.

At first she panicked and tried to push me off, but i had held onto her tightly until she could perceive that it was me.

"Ran..",she broke down into tears and fell into my arms seeking for comfort.

"I'm here baby..",i tightly embraced her,rubbing her back to calm her nerves.

Nonetheless,she just couldn't stop trembling as tears continuosly rolled down her cheeks.

I wonder what more do i hate than seeing her cry....and i couldn't think of anything!!

"Ran..",she softly called out again,still latched onto my chest,"Am I....a murderer now..?"

"Listen Y/n!!",i quickly pulled away and made her look at me"Tell me everything about this mess,okay? And I'll solve it. I promise!!"

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now