Ill Premonition

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*Y/n's POV*

The car halted in front of the familiar huge building from last time where Rin worked. As usual,there were guards all over the main gate and the new sight of a few women who were dressed provocatively, barely covering their bare skin.

Before your thoughts began to wander,you felt cold hands enveloping yours, switching your attention from outdoors to the man beside you.

He himself has been acting oddly quiet after leaving your house though he denied a few times you brought it up. He was all bubbly this morning yet looked rather deep in thoughts through the whole ride, leaving you wondering what happened while you were showering.

"Y/n, I've never talked about my work..",Rin began to hesitantly bring up,"It's not like any other regular work so-"

"You're still associated with those gang stuffs?", you cut him off,taking a guess from his words.

Giving a quick exhale,he nodded,"Just that it has gotten far worse than those 'gang stuffs'. Bonten, I'm an executive for the organisation"

Bonten-The worst criminal organization of Japan, associated with gambling, prostitution, murder and almost every type of crime that the cops couldn't even get a hold of. The name was not new to you at all as it was all over the news almost every morning. Mr.Angelo also mentioned once or twice about how much of a pain they were to deal with. And to think that you're in love with an executive of that very organisation..

"It's fine!",you smiled and intertwined your hand with his,"Did you forget that i'm practically raised by American Mafias? What more worse could i possibly see here?"

The sight of bodies drenched in blood lying around the basement,the screams of people followed by gunshots at every possible time of the day and some who died right before your eyes while performing surgery - those were only an abstract of your daily life.

Chuckling,his other hand came to caress your cheek,"There's nothing for you to fear anyways. I alone will protect you from now. If any man dare touch my woman,they die!!"

"Hey,you need to chill a bit..",you lightly hit his chest at his wild declaration. Killing was a bit too much for you-

"Kill him!!"

"That's all? I'll kill him in exchange for you then"

A wave of dizziness rushed over you all of a sudden. What flashback was that?? You ordered someone to kill another person?? Shit!! What memory was that?!! Whose voice was that??

"Y/n?",Rin was quick to check up on your face scrunched up in discomfort from the sudden flash of memory,"Are you okay? What is it?"

You tried hard to regain your composure back, not wanting to worry him about what just happened,"I'm okay. I just felt little dizzy"

Thinking it might just be a coincidence, you decided to keep it to yourself for the time being. 

"You sure? I can take you home if you want",he was still restless with worry.

"Rin..",you grabbed his hand harder to grab his attention,"I'm really fine.."

You could feel him slowly relaxing back again, "Okay then. But before we go inside, promise me you'll tell me if you don't feel well"

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now