Chapter 23

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"Erm, no. Well, I dunno. I'm not sure I guess. There could, or there couldn't be," I think out loud.

"I think I'm in the same boat as you," Peeta says with a laugh. He scratches the side of his neck. "I don't know what to think either."

Peeta and I decided to just chill for the day. He's sitting on our bed with his back propped up against the headboard. I'm laying on my back on the bed, my head laying by his feet. My right leg is draped over his lap, and my arms are behind my head.

He asked me what I thought about what happened to us after we die.

"I mean, I know something h-happens to us. I believe that my s-sister and father went somewhere," I explain with some difficulty.

"Yeah, I know my family went somewhere, too," he says softly. He casts his gaze from my face to the floor. I nudge him with my foot and clear my head of any bad thoughts.

"Hey, don't get upset. We're chilling today," I state firmly.

He nods his head slightly. "Alright."

"What else is on our list of things to talk about?", I question.

He grins and closes his eyes. "Uhm, I don't know. What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know."

"Well, isn't this just working out beautifully?", he asks sarcastically.

"Oh, yes, most definitely," I reply in the same tone. I yawn.

"I enjoy being lazy with you, Mr. Mellark," I jokingly say in a formal manner.

"As do I, Ms. Everdeen," he jokes back.

I groan as I sit up.

"I've gotta pee," I say.

"Yep, cause I definitely needed to know that," he says.

"Eh. Whatever," I reply.

I get up and walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.


I close my eyes and sigh. I'm exhausted today, for some reason. Oh well.

Peeta is in the same position he was earlier, except for the fact that I'm on top of him this time. I'm laying on his legs, while my legs are (strangely) on either side of his head, resting on his shoulders. This is a really weird position, but it's comfortable for me.

Come to think of it, he's probably extremely uncomfortable.

"Is this a comfortable position for you?", I ask him.

"It's an exotic position, but I'm not uncomfortable," he replies.

"Good, cause I am relaxed and comfortable and warm and not moving," I say as he rests his head on my foot.

He pulls his head off my foot quickly. "Are you sure you're warm? Your feet are freezing!", he exclaims.

I move my legs off him. "Sorry," I mumble. I move so I'm sitting in the same position he's in. I lay my head on his shoulder, and he lays his head on mine.

"You do that a lot," I point out.

"Do what?", he asks, confused.

"Lay your head on mine," I explain.

He takes his head off. "Sorry, I didn't realize I did that."

I put my hand on the side of his head and put it back where it was. "Don't be sorry, doofus. I love it; I was just pointing that out."

"Oh, okay," he says.

We fall into a comfortable silence, so I take a deep breath and let my eyes close.

After a few minutes, I start to slowly drift away.

Before I fully lose consciousness, however, I hear him whisper, "I love days like this. They're relaxing and peaceful."

Hey peeps!

How are the most amazing people doing?

This was a cute lil filler chapter.

Shoot straight and be brave my fellow lovelies,
Weezabeth <3

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