Chapter 41

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Ending of last chapter:

I look up at Peeta, who is in deep thought. He abruptly snaps his fingers. "We - well, you, I guess - need to find someone to walk you down the aisle," he says, starting out strong then getting quieter toward the end.

I suck in a breath and cover my mouth with my hand. I totally forgot about that.

This is the job for the father of the bride, but mine isn't here.


My hand goes up to knock against Haymitch's door, but it stops before I can actually knock on it. It feels like a swarm of... wasps is buzzing around in my stomach, moving to my arms and legs as well. My palms are sweating, so I wipe them off on the legs of my pants. I don't really know why I'm nervous, though, because Haymitch sort of acts like I'm the daughter he never had. Sometimes he acts like a father, other times he acts like the old drunkard he really is. I guess I treat him as a father - well, for the most part I do.

My head sinks forward to rest against the door, my eyes falling shut. The thoughts swirling around in my mind aren't even making sense right now. It's almost like a tornado is making its way through my body, unbalancing every emotion and feeling that stands in its way.

I debate on going back home and not asking him. But then I realize that I need to ask him at some point if I want to have someone walk me down the aisle. So I suck it up and knock on the door before any other thoughts prevent me from doing so.

I wait with bated breath for him to come to the door. After a minute or so, much faster than I thought, I can hear his footsteps coming toward the door. It quickly flings open and Haymitch, accompanied by his classical frown, stands before me.

"What?", is all he says. No Hi, how are you? It's been a while, Katniss.

I start to roll my eyes, but then I decide against it. I don't want to make him angry and have him decline my question. "I have something... important to ask you."

He sighs and scratches his forehead. "Well, get on with it then."

I bite my lip and glance away. I didn't even think of how I was going to actually ask him. Should I just simply ask him, Hey do you want to walk me down the aisle? Or do I, like, give him the backstory of why and be sappy about it? Probably not that option; he'd get disgusted with me or something. In fact, I'd get disgusted with myself. Being sappy is not me.

I decide to just ask him and be blunt about it. My eyes drift back up to his face. "Would you be okay with walking me down the aisle at my wedding?" A warm feeling rushes to my cheeks as I ask this.

He looks taken aback at this. His eyes widen, and his eyebrows raise at my question.

"Seriously?," he asks incredulously.

That feels like a deep stab to the chest. Tears fill up my eyes, and I quickly bring my hands up to cover my burning face.

I sniff. "Wow, okay, I'm leaving now. You know, you could've been nice about saying no. It's not like this is a big deal to me or anything."

I start to turn around to leave, but before I can do that, he grabs my wrist. "Sweetheart, that's not what I meant. I said that meaning I was surprised that you wanted me to. I didn't think you liked me that much."

I finally roll my eyes. "Haymitch, really? You're the closest person I have to a father now. Of course I'd want you to."

He smiles softly. "I'll gladly walk you down the aisle."

A thought suddenly pops into my head, and I narrow my eyes. "But only if you promise to be sober. I'm not letting you walk me down the aisle if you're drunk."

He replies quietly. "Trust me, I'll be sober. That's a day I want to damn well remember."

My heart clenches at that sentence. I rush forward and wrap my arms around him in a tight hug, making him stumble a little bit.

"Thank you," I whisper. "It means a lot to me." He wraps his arms around me as well.

"You're welcome, sweetheart," he responds.

I pull away a moment later and look him in the eye. "Do you promise you'll be sober?"

He rolls his eyes. "Yes, I promise I'll be sober, Katniss. Didn't I just say that?"

"I'm just making sure," I reply.

"Now get back to your lover boy. I'm surprised neither of you had a nervous breakdown while you were gone. You two are joined at the hip, it seems like," he says with a playful grin.

I smack his arm. "Don't say that! We are not joined at the hip!"

He gently pushes me away from him. "Go, I've seen enough of your face for today."

I scoff. "And I've seen enough of your face for a lifetime."

"Ha-ha very funny," he sasses. "What would I do without your daily sarcastic remarks?"

I shrug. "Who knows?" I turn around and head back to my house, my hands slipping into my pockets. I can hear his door slam shut behind me.

A loud sigh escapes my lips. That went better than I thought. The beginning was a bit rocky, but it went uphill from there, thankfully. At least I now have someone to walk me down the aisle. That's definitely a huge weight off my shoulders.

My feet trudge up the steps of our porch. I get to go inside and plan more of the wedding with Peeta. Sounds amazing, doesn't it? I sigh and laugh a little, opening the door and walking inside.


Sorry this is so short. I wanted to update tonight, but I'm just so tired. And I have a little bit of writer's block, so ya'know whatever.


I wanted to update earlier in the week, but I had exams to study for:/// But I'm on break now so I'll hopefully update more often!!

Shoot straight and be brave my fellow lovelies,
Weezabeth <3

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