Long Time, No Update. Revival on AO3?!

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Hello! I know, it has been a while. Recently, I've been thinking about rewriting this story. I still love these characters and this story, and I would like to continue writing it. When I started this in eighth grade, I had absolutely zero plans. Zip. Nada. Literally, genuinely nothing. I just kept writing whatever I wanted to chapter by chapter. Now, as I'm in college for Creative Writing, I have been seriously thinking about rewriting this - like, the whole shebang. I want to go through each chapter and write down what it's about then go through all of that and decide what I want to keep and what I should toss. There are some things in here that I would definitely change if I write it now in order to keep them in character as much as possible. I need to exercise this part of my brain again, get it back into shape. 

I've just been trying to gauge some thoughts. I'm too sentimental to actually get rid of what I have here, so this story won't be going anywhere - no need to worry about that! If I do rewrite it, it will be on Archive of Our Own. I created an account and posted the first chapter there to try and gather some thoughts from the folks over there. If you would like to read a rewritten and hopefully better version of this, please comment either here or over on AO3 and let me know!!!! Comments really do help since they're a confidence booster. I would appreciate any ideas and thoughts from you all!

I really, really appreciate the readers that have stuck around so long. I'm so sorry I stopped updating. I had no plans for this, so I fell out of love with it. I want to get back into writing, and what better way to do that than with the thing that got me into it in the first place? Plus, I still haven't found a post-Mockingjay story that satisfies me, so I guess I gotta roll up my sleeves and do it myself.

Again, thank you so much for your dedication and kind words over the years. It's meant a lot to me, especially during the times when I needed it the most and when I felt like writing wasn't for me. I consider you all a friend, so please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you for any input you give. (If there are no comments on this chapter, you didn't see it. This doesn't exist.)

Shoot straight and be brave my fellow lovelies,

Weezabeth <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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