Chapter 24

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"You do that a lot," I point out.

"Do what?", he asks, confused.

"Lay your head on mine," I explain.

He takes his head off. "Sorry, I didn't realize I did that."

I put my hand on the side of his head and put it back where it was. "Don't be sorry, doofus. I love it; I was just pointing that out."

"Oh, okay," he says.

We fall into a comfortable silence, so I take a deep breath and let my eyes close.

After a few minutes, I start to slowly drift away.

Before I fully lose consciousness, however, I hear him whisper, "I love days like this. They're relaxing and peaceful."


"I think you should go," Peeta says. "It's what had kept you happy before."

"I know, but that was the old Katniss. Not the new and damaged Katniss," I reply weakly.

Peeta mentioned that he thought I ought to start hunting, if I wanted.

"It might help get you back to the 'old Katniss' though. It would probably remind you of all the good times you had in the woods with Gale," he says, his voice revealing no emotion when he says Gale.

Unfortunately, anger and sadness swell up inside of me, overwhleming me. I suck in a breath and shut my eyes.

"Don't speak his name," I hiss harshly through clenched teeth. "Don't talk about him. Ever."

"Woah, sorry, calm down. What happened between you and G- him? I thought you guys were good friends...?", he asks, confused. I press my shaking fingers to my temples.

"Yeah, well, you don't know what he did," I reply coldly.

"Uhm, no, I don't. Should I know?," he questions.

I pull my hands away and send him a fake smile. "Let's just say he's the reason Pr...," I choke on her name, "Prim isn't here."

He looks at me with the most shocked expression I've seen. I sharply turn my head to the side and let out a sigh. I get up and walk into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me. I rest my hands on the side of the cold, ceramic sink as I try to compose myself.

He's nowhere near you, I try to console myself. You're alright.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror. My cheeks are red and splotchy, and my mouth is pressed into a firm line. Anger is basically radiating from my eyes. How could Gale, the one who used to be the only one to bring a smile to my face, now be the one to cause me to look like this? It's surreal how quickly things can drastically change. It's insane, actually.

I take a deep breath and walk back out to Peeta. I sit down and put my face in my hands. He rests his hand on my back and gently rubs large circles.

"Have they done anything about the bakery yet?", I ask quietly, wanting to change the subject from where it was before.

"No, not yet. I haven't had a chance to talk to them about it," Peeta replies.

Without hesitation, I bring my head up and say, "Then go. Find someone to talk to and ask them about it."

He shrugs his shoulders. "It's really not that big of a deal. It can wait."

"Why can't you go ask now? We're not doing anything important today," I say, hoping to persuade him into going.

"I mean, I can if you want me to. It just doesn't bother me either way," he says.

"Yes, I want you to go!", I exclaim.

He stands up and puts his hand out. "Are you coming?", he asks.

I shake my head. "No, I'm gross and lazy."

Peeta chuckles. "Why are you gross?"

"I haven't showered since, like, two days ago," I explain.

He wrinkles his nose. "You're right. That is gross," he says in what I think was a joking manner.

I stand up and kiss him. "See you later."

"Bye," he says with a little wave as he exits the house.

Through the window, I watch him walk away until I can't see him anymore. I turn around and look around the room. I scratch my arm and head upstairs.


I drag my fingers through my wet, curly hair, combing it out. My fingers start to swiftly turn the mess into a braid. As I do so, I start to sing.

Gradually, my singing gets louder and more animated. I fling my arms about and dance around. I run up the hall then down the stairs. I sprint around the corner, enjoying every second of my antics.

I dance into the kitchen. Being the klutz I am, I don't watch where I'm going, and I barge right into the kitchen table. I fall onto the ground, pretty much flat on my face.

"Ow," I mutter to no one in particular. "Smooth, Katniss. Real smooth." I sigh.

I flip over onto my back and look at the ceiling. I didn't notice this before, but there's a pattern etched into the ceiling. I study it for a few seconds, then I say to myself, "Well, it seems like the ceiling needs to be studied. Who better to do it than me? I'm laying on the ground, after all."

I roll my eyes at my ridiculously stupid excuse so I don't have to get up. Whatever, I don't technically have to do anything.


Yewwwwww, here's a chapter!! This was a pretty stupid chapter..... Sorry.

Sorry it took me two-ish weeks to update /.\ I'll try and stay away from that.

HAPPY EASTER LOVELIES!! I love you all so much and I hope you have a fantabulous day! :D

I love the word fantabulous. It's a cross between fantastic and fabulous.

I don't have much else to say other than the usual........

Please, please comment, vote, and share my story!

Thanks a million for 6.8K reads!


Shoot straight and be brave my fellow lovelies,
Weezabeth <3

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