Chapter 50

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Ending of last chapter (Peeta's P.O.V.):

My eyes fall shut, lost in the blissful feeling of her lips. The rest of my surroundings just fall away, and all I'm aware of is her, only her. Her lips on mine, her hands on my head, her hips under my hands, her legs around my waist.

And there's no one else I would want it to be.

**** Katniss's P.O.V.****

I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that Peeta and I are married now. Like, it happened - it actually happened.

It happened exactly a week ago today, and I'm going to be completely honest: it's been the best week of my life. Peeta hasn't gone to work all week, I haven't gone hunting, we've rarely seen other people, and we've kissed and done other.... things plenty of times.

"Wait, what?", I question, pulled out of my reverie, shaking my head in response to Johanna's fingers snapping in my face. I was lost in my thoughts and didn't realize she and Annie were talking to me.

She rolls her eyes, sighing, excessively in my opinion. "God, it's like you don't even know we're here, Brainless. I said, have you and Peeta done the deed yet?"

In a flash - quicker than I thought possible, really - my cheeks flame up bright red, totally humiliated by her question. What Peeta and I do is our business, not anybody else's. The question also makes me lightheaded. We're married now, so the next step is children. And I'm not prepared to think about that. Crossing my arms over my chest, I state indignantly, "And why do you want to know?"

Annie looks away, slightly embarrassed as well, which leads me to believe that she had no part in this question, that it was all Johanna. Shocker.

"Oh, please," she scoffs. "Don't act like I'm the only one who wants to know. Now that the country knows you guys are married, they're wondering the same thing. Gua-ran-teed."

I'm not really sure who told, but someone who knew we were getting married or someone who was there let slip to the press about the wedding. It started out just in 12, but in less than a day, it was spread throughout the entire country. Peeta and I haven't been in the company of other people for the whole week (with the rare exception of Haymitch, Annie, Finn, Johanna, and Mom), so we're not really sure about the reaction. We don't really want to know, to be honest.

"None of you need to know. It's our business, not yours," I retort, praying that my cheeks aren't red anymore. Wishful thinking, though.

Letting out a sarcastic chuckle, Johanna pats my shoulder as she stands up to leave. "I'll take that as a no then."


The soft rise and fall of Peeta's chest as my pillow makes me sleepy, but I don't fall asleep. I'm not really sure why, but I can't sleep. Too many thoughts running a race around in my head, I assume. My fingertip slowly draws shapes on his chest. I gently turn my head so I don't wake him and press my lips to his chest, leaving a soft kiss there.

My eyes flit to the window, looking out at the stars in the sky. There are almost no clouds in the dark inky sky, so a myriad of stars is visible tonight. It's a beautiful thing to see. Mesmerizing.

Suddenly an idea pops into my head and I sit up. I shake Peeta's shoulder, saying, "Peeta, wake up."

Almost immediately he sits up as well, looking around wildly for a minute. "Katniss? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

A small smile tugs at my lips due to his concern for me even though he literally just woke up. "I'm fine, come on. I want to show you something." I grab his hand and get out of bed, dragging him behind me.

As we pass the couch downstairs, I grab a blanket off the foot of it. I yank the front door open and pull him after me. Once in the middle of our yard, I spread the blanket out and lay down. Peeta follows suit, and we're soon in the same position as we were a minute ago: my head resting on his chest, his arm behind my back, and our legs tangled together.

"The sky," I whisper. "Look at the stars. It's incredible." He breathes out a breath of admiration, his eyes roaming the sky and taking it all in, the way he does when he sees something that he would like to paint.

"It's so beautiful," I murmur a few minutes later, not taking my eyes off the sky.

"Absolutely beautiful," he whispers in response. His thumb is rubbing the skin at my hip absentmindedly.

I treasure these moments with him more than anything else in the world.

**** Peeta's P.O.V. ****

I'm suddenly pulled out of my dream by someone shaking me and saying, "Peeta, wake up."


My first thought is that she's had a nightmare, or something dreadful had happened to her, so I'm immediately awake, my nerves spiking. "Katniss? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

She smirks a little, replying, "I'm fine, come on. I want to show you something." She drags me out of bed and down the stairs, stopping at the couch and picking up a blanket. Letting go of my hand, she spread the blanket out in the yard and lays down. I follow her and curl up with her on the blanket.

"The sky," she whispers. "Look at the stars. It's incredible."

I gaze up at the sky, gasping a little at what I see. I instantly start looking around and taking in the different hues of blue and purple, the light coming off the edges of the stars. This is one of the most beautiful things I've witnessed in my entire life. I never knew the sky and stars could be so pretty. I wish I had known earlier.

Finally, after a few minutes of staring at the sky, I tear my gaze away from it and look at Katniss. There's a sparkle in her eyes that's only there when she sees something she truly finds beautiful. A small grin is playing at her lips, her gray eyes bouncing back and forth quickly among the stars. "It's so beautiful," she mutters quietly.

Looking at her, not the stars, I murmur in response, "Absolutely beautiful."


Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed this, and I hope you have a great day/night! Thanks for reading and voting/commenting! You guys are the (;

Shoot straight and be brave my fellow lovelies,
Weezabeth <3

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