Chapter 1

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My writing gets better - I think, I hope - progressively throughout the book so don't give up on it please!! I know the beginning is awful(-: The chapters also get longer!!

Noted: 28 September 2015



My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am seventeen years old. My home is District 12. I was in the Hunger Games twice. I escaped. I started a rebellion. Peeta was taken prisoner. He was hijacked. He was rescued. My sister was killed by a bomb. It might've been Gale's bomb. I'm at home, waiting for Peeta to return. I don't know what will happen when he returns.

My monologue runs through my head all day, every day. That, along with the rope that Finnick gave me, is the only thing keeping me sane. I sit on my couch staring at the wall, repeating my monologue silently, tying knots in my rope. My hands are raw from handling the rope so much.

Greasy Sae checks on me everyday, but it doesn't help my growing depression. I don't think I will get out of this slump. Ever. Peeta wou-


I shut my eyes and start hyperventilating. My fingers fly around the rope to try and tie myself together. Every time I think of him I do this. The guilt crushes down on me, feels like an anvil sitting on my chest. It's my fault he was taken prisoner. It's my fault he was hijacked. It's my fault he has horrible flashbacks.

After a few more minutes of this, I open my eyes. I look to my right and see a stack of letters from an assortment of people. I stick out a trembling hand to grab the one on top, but I recoil at the last second.

I don't want to read a single word anyone wrote me. They send words of encouragement with good intentions, but it doesn't help. They just don't understand me. No one except for.... him.

My fingers start to tie faster and my breathing gets more labored, but after a moment I'm able to pull myself together.

I set the rope on the ground and rest my head on the cushion, sure to be woken up by awful nightmares soon. I don't want to witness the horror that I call my past in dream form, but when I'm not having nightmares, sleeping provides a short escape from my depression.


Hey guys! First, I want to thank you for choosing to read my story! It means a lot! Second, this is my first Wattpad story, so I would appreciate it very much if you left reviews to help me better my story and voted for my story (as long as you liked it). Third, I'm going to update as much as possible with longer chapters. Hopefully I'll be able to get two or three chapters uploaded a week.

I'm up for any reviews you guys have, and please let me know if you want anything particular in my story! If I like the idea, you might just find it plus a shoutout in upcoming chapters!

Again, I want to thank you for reading this! I'm ready for an amazing experience with this story.

Shoot straight and be brave,
Weezabeth <3

First chapter posted: 7 December 2014

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