Chapter 44

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Ending of last chapter (from Peeta's P.O.V.):

I let my fingers trail down the side of her beautiful face, just barely touching her soft skin. Her cheekbones and jawline are perfectly curved. Her nose is cute, just the right size for her face.

I bring my free hand up to rub my temples with a giddy smile on my face. God, what has she done to me? I don't know many people who think noses are cute. I must be going insane or something. I love her so much it physically pains me sometimes. But I wouldn't have it any other way, honestly.

**** Katniss's P.O.V. ****

"See you later," Peeta says before pressing a quick kiss to my forehead, holding me close for a moment. "I should be back about dinnertime."

I nod my head. That gives me plenty of time to pick up my dress and go hunting. "Okay, sounds good. Just in time to make me dinner," I reply with a wide grin.

He rolls his eyes and smiles back at me. "Yeah, perfect timing," he says sarcastically.

"Bye!", I say as he walks out of the house.

Before he gets too far, I call out, "Oh, Peeta, wait!" He turns around as I hurry down the steps and over to him. I wrap my arms around his neck in a tight hug, saying, "I didn't want you to leave without giving you a hug." He chuckles and engulfs me in a hug, pressing a soft kiss to the top of my head.

As soon as he's out of my sight, I hurry up to our room and change out of my clothes, slipping hunting gear on. It's been too long since I've gone hunting. Excitement buzzes through me, making a wide grin appear on my lips. I jog back down the steps, grabbing my bow, sheath of arrows, and game bag as I head out the door.

As I near the forest, my steps pick up and I eventually end up running toward the fence. Once there, I hop over the short fence, not bothering to go through the gate that was put there for the purpose of using it to get into the forest.

The smell of the forest hits me almost like I ran straight into a wall. I stop in my tracks, my bow falling from my hand. I lift my arms up to the side and spin in a slow big circle, my eyes closed and a big smile on my face.

God, it feels good to be here again. I honestly can't remember the last time I was here because of all the ridiculous planning it takes to plan a wedding.

I pick my bow back up and begin to hunt. With each step I take, I can feel the tension, worry, and stress draining out of me, becoming replaced with happiness, relief, and content. It's a nice feeling, something that I haven't felt in a while. Unfortunately it'll disappear soon, and I'll be stressed out until after the wedding. Then, finally, I'll be able to relax and enjoy the rest of my life.


I shake that thought away and focus on hunting. I can't let my mind wander; the forest is still dangerous, despite the other more.... immediate dangers I've been through.


A couple hours later and a bag full of game, I head out of the forest and into town toward the dress shop. It's going to be difficult to carry my dress all the way home without somehow messing it up. I take a deep breath in through my nose. We'll see how it goes.

Where am I even going to keep my dress without Peeta seeing it? I mean, it's not a big deal if he does see it, I just want him to be surprised. Maybe I'll just keep it in the guest room closet. On very rare occasions do we go in there. I nod my head as if I was talking to someone about this, deciding that that's where I'm going to keep my dress.

I pull open the door of the dress shop, walking into the store and over to the counter. The lady that helped me last time I was here is standing behind the counter, a magazine of some sort from the Capitol resting in her hands. She's so engrossed in it that she doesn't realize I'm here until I clear my throat.

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