Chapter 36

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(The picture I attached is how I felt after writing this chapter like djhdisnsbxod you'll see soon)

Ending of last chapter:

"Yeah. I'm sure." I stand up and grab some money, throwing my shoes on when I get to the front door. As I do this, Peeta quickly writes up a list and hands it to me when he's done.

I give him a quick kiss. "I'll be back later."

"See you then. Bye!", he calls as I dash out the door and toward the town.


I set the bags filled with my groceries down and lean against the side of the store in an effort to not scream out loud. Of course, when I come to the store, it had to be packed. Filled with people who wanted to get a glimpse at the Mockingjay even though it's years after the rebellion. Just my luck. I run my tongue along my teeth in annoyance. For the amount of food I have, this trip took me so much longer than it originally should have.

I shake my head and pick the bags back up, starting my short journey back to my home in the Victor's Village. My mind wanders to many different things on the walk back, most of the topics centering around Peeta in some way. A smile grows on my face without me even realizing it until my cheeks are hurting. Just thinking about Peeta puts me in a better mood. I love him so much.

I trudge up the stairs leading up to my front porch, my arms slightly tired from carrying the somewhat heavy bags in my arms all the way home. If only Peeta had come with me. Somehow I manage to balance the bags in my arms so one of my hands is free to open the front door. I slam the door shut behind me with my foot and walk to the kitchen to put the groceries away.

"I'm back!", I yell into the house, not really waiting or listening for a response. I start unpacking the bags, putting things into the fridge and the cabinet. Once everything is put away, I call out Peeta's name. He usually comes to see me shortly after I come home, but I haven't seen him yet.

An idea suddenly dawns on me. What if he had a flashback? My heart starts racing at the mere thought of that happening. He hasn't had one in a while, I'd hate for him to break that streak. He's always in a bad mood for a bit after he has one; nothing can get him out of it, even I can't get him out of it. He always needs to relax and he eventually goes back to the normal Peeta I know and love.

Cautiously, I look into the rooms down on this floor, making sure to stay quiet in case he is still having a flashback. I don't want to startle him and make him violent. I peek my head around the doorframe of his art studio. Unfortunately, I don't see him in here, so I turn around to go check upstairs. But, before I can fully turn around, I see the painting Peeta's been working on for a while now. It's completed, and what it's a picture of makes me stop in my tracks. My mouth drops open slightly in shock.

It's a picture of a beautiful girl with long dark hair, a flowy white dress hugging her body. Her arms are wrapped around the neck of a muscular man clad in a black tuxedo with curly blonde hair and eyes as blue as the lake painted in the background.

What does that mean?

My heart starts beating even more rapidly now, but for a different reason than before. I'm not too sure why, but it is. My hands fly up to my cheeks, pressing my palms against my cheeks in hopes of cooling them down. I slowly back out of the room, not taking my eyes off the painting sitting before me. Suddenly whipping around, I run up the stairs while calling out, "Peeta! Peeta, where are you?"

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