Chapter 49

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Ending of last chapter:

"Now, if you're done talking, I'd like to do more of this," Peeta points out as he backs me up so I'm pressed against the wall behind me, touching our lips. He lines himself up so every inch of him is touching some part of me.

My hands drift from his hair to the front of his suit, slowly unbuttoning it and letting it drop to the ground, just beginning the night.

**** Peeta's P.O.V. ****

Laughing, she shrieks, "Peeta! Put me down!" Of course, I know she doesn't actually mean this - I would never drop her, and she knows that - it's just a reflex saying. Her hands drum on my shoulder blades, making me laugh. Her laugh echoes throughout the house, a laugh that never fails to make a smile creep its way onto my face.

Pretending to be hurt, I gasp, "Do you not trust me?" We reach the bottom of the stairs, and I turn the corner, gently moving us in a way so I won't smack her against the wall.

"Not at all," she replies, a smirk making its way onto her face.

"What a shame," I joke, setting her on the counter. I put my arms on either side of Katniss, her legs wrapping around my waist, her arms encircling my neck. "I guess I'm going to have to change that," I whisper, pressing my lips to hers.

I can't tell you how many times we've kissed. But I can tell you that since yesterday, since the marriage, something feels different. I don't know what it is exactly, but I feel different when kissing her now. I know that for a fact; we did a lot of this last night to prove it. And it's not bad, either. It's a good different.

She barely pulls away, our lips still brushing, our noses still touching. "Peeta, I love you."

I grin, making her smile too, and her smile lights up the entire room. "I love you too, Katniss."

It's times like this where I don't think she realizes how deep my love for her runs. She's the only person who can make me feel like my legs are about to collapse from underneath me, who can make me feel like my skin is about to burst into flames at her mere touch. She's the only person whose laughter makes me feel like there will never be any darkness ever again, the only person whose smile makes me think that there is only good in the world.

And it's times like these that we spend together that remind me that there is literally no one else in this world that I'd rather be with. She's it, she's my only one. And, honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. She has her flaws, yeah, but she's perfect for me. I love her for who she was yesterday, I love her for who she is today, and I love her for who she'll be tomorrow.

"What are you thinkin' about in there?", she asks, tapping the side of my head with her fingertips. "I lost you for a minute."

I must've spaced out without realizing it. A corner of my lip curls up. "You."

She blushes, a pink hue starting at the bottom of her cheeks and moving upward. This makes me smile more, makes me pull her closer into me and hold her tighter. She nuzzles her head into my neck, letting out a shy giggle, which makes my smile grow even more. Which seems impossible at this point, but she's always been able to do the impossible.

"Should I be scared about what you were thinking?", she questions.

I brush my lips along her neck, muttering, "Now why would my thoughts scare you?"

Her eyes meet mine, the gray in them sparkling like they never have before. "I don't know, that just kinda came out. I guess I'm used to having some people think bad about me."

It's a shame that of all things in the world she's used to, she's used to that. She should be used to people respecting her and treating her like a human being, not being treated less than other people.

I honest to God think the world of her. There is nothing she could do that would lessen my affection or respect or anything really for her. She deserves the world and more, and I'm going to try my hardest to give her that with what I have to offer. I just hope she thinks it's enough.

I gently press my lips to hers, attempting to convey all my love for her into it. "Plus," she whispers with a smirk when I pull away, "sometimes your thoughts go places for mature people."

The tips of my ears burn slightly, but I just shrug it off. "I can't help it when I have the most beautiful wife in the world right in front of me." Which is completely true.

She rolls her eyes but a smile is still hanging on her lips. "Mr. Mellark, you are definitely something else."

I slide the tip of my nose along hers, murmuring, "Mrs. Mellark, you need to learn how to take a compliment. There will be many more in our future."

"Oh, joy," she scoffs sarcastically. "I'm so excited for that."

I nod. "As you should be. Because there is a myriad of things about you for me to compliment." Her cheeks blush more at this, prompting me to continue with a sly grin. "Such as your beautiful singing voice," I whisper, placing gentle kisses along her throat. "Such as your beautiful hair," I murmur, playing with strands of her hair in between my fingers. "Such as your delicate hands," I mutter as I lace my fingers through hers. "Such as your beautiful looks," I breathe as I trace a line of soft kisses along her face.

"God, will you stop torturing me?", she breathily grumbles as she puts her hands on the sides of my head and quickly touches our lips.

My eyes fall shut, lost in the blissful feeling of her lips. The rest of my surroundings just fall away, and all I'm aware of is her, only her. Her lips on mine, her hands on my head, her hips under my hands, her legs around my waist.

And there's no one else I would want it to be.


Hey guys! Sorry for the wait and the short chapter:/// I wish it was longer, but I'm falling asleep typing this ahahah. Have a good day/night!

Shoot straight and be brave my fellow lovelies,
Weezabeth <3

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