On Hold

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Hello friends, I apologize this isn't an update:// I know it's been forever since I've updated, but I started school a little over a month ago, and I barely have time to do anything, let alone write. Things are incredibly stressful - I'm taking my first AP class this year, and my teacher has no clue what he's doing since it's his first AP class, as well. Great for me and my classmates, huh?

Anyway, I was just writing this to let you guys know that this story is on hold until further notice; like I said, I barely have time to do anything right now. True story: the other night I was doing my APUSH homework, and I had been working on it for like seven hours, plus the five hours I had done the day before, and I still wasn't done. I was sitting there at my kitchen table with tears in my eyes, thinking, "Suck it up and get it done you don't have time to cry you need to get this done."

Sorry if this doesn't make any sense; I just typed as I thought because I need to guess what? Go work on APUSH. Again, I'm so sorry that this is on hold, I just don't have time to write right now.

Shoot straight and be brave my fellow lovelies,

Weezabeth <3

P.S.: Cross country will be over in about a month, so that will free up about 2 more hours of my day, and I will get more sleep. By then I should be able to update, so maybe another month until the next chapter? Don't hold me to that ahahaha. Sorry again, see you guys soon. Deuces.

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