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Tae's pov

I swear I didn't mean to harm her or hurt her in any way but what just happened at the party and after that, I'm sorry for that.

I really didn't mean those words.
I won't lie, I was jealous and thought maybe when I'll say those things about her then other will leave her be but I forgot that those words would hurt her , I'm so stupid and selfish , god!!!! How can I do this.

I was sitting on my bed thinking all this while crying when namjoon hyung sat on his bed in front of me and said

Rm: "your apology should be as loud as your disrespect was".
I thought you like her but if Suga and you are going to hurt her then leave her be.

He said in stern tone and drifted to sleep and what he said was true I need to apologise to her, I laid down on my bed with that thought.

Jk's pov

I was awake in early morning by someone's mumbling , it took me a second to recall previous night events and then I saw y/n laying on my bed having nightmare.

I immediately got up and get close to her and she was  breathing heavily, saying ' don't, please, let me out' so, I woke her up.

When she woke up, she looked around the room and panicked I think because she's not familiar with this room so to calm her I hugged her tight, to let her know I'm here for her.
She hugged me too and after a while when her breathing seems normal, I pulled away from hug.

Y/n : thank you *looks down*

Jungkook: no need , how are you feeling now?

Y/n : just a lil bit pain in body and supper hungry.* pouts*

(Omo she's so cute, just like me)

Jungkook: I'll just make something for you.

Y/n: NO!! I'm the one caretaker here.

Jungkook: and right now you are the one who needs to be taken care of.

She nodded her head and I can see she's not comfortable in what she's wearing so I gave her my tee, which will be really long for her and left the room to cook something.

After 10 minutes I came back with soup , bread- butter and knocked on the door, just in case if she hasn't changed.

Y/n : come in.

I opened the door and saw her in my tee, she's looking like a baby there, pouting for food.

I gave her food and she insisted to eat together, so she's having soup and I'm having bread and butter.

I don't feel good because she's behaving like nothing happened last night, did she hit her head that hard?

Jk: y/n , we are really sorry for what happened yesterday.

Y/n: too late, I'm sending you my medical bills

She says jokingly then seriously asked about the medical bill as she wanted to pay for that, which I ignored.

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