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Abomination's pov

It's been weeks since yoonmin's and tae's confession and thier cute little date.

Everyone's relationship has grown since than, yoonmin's, tae's and y/n's namjin's and y/n's relationship with the others.

Namjin are like parental figure for her and she's a kid for them, y/n and Suga are like siblings, she even calls him hyung sometimes.
J-hope and y/n have kids like friendship, her and jimin are bff , jungkook and her are soulmate or twins and well tae and y/n are still figuring out what they are.

Right now, they all are sitting in thier living room talking about something probably "stupid" and Jk annoying jimin by poking his cheecks.

Jimin: stop it , or I'll smack your head *pissed*.

Y/n & jk: like you can reach it.

Everyone laughed with Jin's windshield wiper laugh being activated and jimin getting annoyed by these soulmate.

Jimin: Don't act like you are any taller than me y/n , you and I are of same height.

Y/n: And?

Jimin: so you are no different, bitch.

Y/n: atleast this bitch doens't moan like a hoe.

She said smirk plastered on her face.
Yeah on thier date night yoonmin got intimate and jimin's moans were heard loudly even though they were watching movie on full volume

Jk: I wonder what Suga hyung do to you for you to moan that loud.

Suga: leave my chim alone, you fucking ass dodooo head.

So, as you all can see it's yoonmin vs y/n and kook while everyone else are just enjoying it without popcorn & Sprite.

Yeah they've stock of that for moments like these to enjoy it to fullest but not today, due to money crisis of author. (A/n: I literally don't make sense most of the times 😂😂)

Y/n:*teasingly* we will, only if jimin would top.

Suga: well I'm sorry babe, I tried.

Y/n and jk high fived while poking thier tongues out to tease jimin.

Jimin: bitch, I'd top anyday
( he said getting irritated).

Jk: I'll pretend something"Accidently" got into my ear.
(he said rubbing his ears).

Suga: fr baby don't use your pretty mouth for talking rubbish use it on me instead *smirks*

Jimin got turned on by suga's dirty talk and bit his lip seductively.

Jk: I need bleach! For my eyes

Y/n : omg !! You both need Jesus.*looks at namjoon* "namjesus" plzz bless their souls.

Only jimin got that reference and everybody else looked at her with confused expression.

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