Memory lane

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Author's pov

Suga and y/n were in her room, she gave him water to drink then y/n tucked Suga on her bed and as she wanted to be by her side, she placed another mattress beside suga's and took a blanket and laid on that.

They both kept staring at the ceiling in silence which was not awkward rather it was calming for both of them as there's so much going inside both of their heads.  After a while Suga turned and looked at her and spoke.

Suga: would you mind asking me a question?

If it would be there regular selves y/n might've saud something like : you just did dumbass or no but this situation isn't like anything regular so she replied politely with a nod.

Suga: why did you said that you don't want to loose me "again" you don't want to "fail" me "too".

Y/n fixed her gaze at the ceiling, she's not someone who's afraid to let people know about her past she rather let the past go than let the past sink her in itself, sometimes.

Y/n: it's something related to my past and before you ask me anymore question about it let me tell you I will tell you everything but tonight is a lot for you so let it be for today.

Suga remain reluctant, he wanted to know what happened to her that she was so broken in front him, begged for him, he knows that y/n is a nice person and anyone would've been there reacted the same way but no one would've reacted like her, it must be something really hard for her
(he thought to himself).

Suga: No, y/n I want to hear it now, let me be here for you too.

(Y/n looked at him and smiled faintly).

Y/n: I'm healed from that Mr Suga , you don't need to worry.

Suga: please y/n , tell me

They both looked into each other's eyes and y/n thought her past incident might help Suga in letting them help him, so she sighed before telling her story.

Trigger warning: suicide, if you are sensitive to that plzz don't read it

Y/n's pov

My mother was a prostitute she didn't choose that, she was sold off by her father ,she never knew how it feels like to be cared , loved, respected , she was in a depressed state because even though she was a prostitute, she was a human too who craved for love and care.

She was suicidal too ,one day she tried to kill herself by jumping in river and there she met my father who saved her life , took her home with him and by each passing day, they fell in love with each other.

That's when she got to know what it feels like to be loved and to be in love and how good it feels to have someone by your side through your ups and downs.

She never lied to him about her identity and some people who knew her in thier surrounding accused her of "using an innocent" man and called her "whore","slut" and what not which got deep inside her skin but he helped her through everything, healed her untill she felt strong , confident and she thanked him for that.

They got married and had me ,our family was perfect, due to her mom's reputation no one befriend me but I always thought if my parents can accept me the way I'm than who am I to judge them ,blame them when they are the one's blessing me with this life.

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