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Y/n's pov

It's been two weeks since that incident happened and from then BTS is treating me like a glass doll, they won't even hug me a little tighter in fear that they'll broke me, when at first I only got bone crushing hugs, which I miss now...

Everything apart, it's such a pleasant morning laying beside the man I love the most, admiring sunrays shining upon his beautiful features making it angelic and trust me if anyone sees me now they'll think of me as a creep.. which, I won't mind being one for him.

How did we both end up like this?

Well, when we came back from watching BTS run episode we had dinner and went to sleep . Around midnight kookie woke up to have water when he heard me blabbering something, having nightmare as he says.

So, he helped me calming down and slept in my room, hugging me the whole night and from that day, each of them took turns to sleep in my room, hugging me so that it can put them at ease that no one would take would harm me and I won't be alone.

But tae...he's different, he's just holds my hand, he assured me that he would never do anything like others did to hurt me and he don't want me to get him wrong so he has minimised our physical contact just to be sure that I feel comfortable and safe around him.. how thoughtful, isn't it?

Now tell me how can I stop myself from falling for this beautiful human, I know I can't, that's why I've decided to confess tonight as it's thier free day means fun day .

Jimin suggested that we should play truth and dare then he'll give me the dare to tell him to make it a surprise, which is lame but I still can't wait for tonight.

I kissed tae's hand, intertwined with mine and carefully got up from bed and freshen up, did chores and prepared breakfast for them.

Sunshine joined me in dining..I'm setting table and he's busy in his phone smiling or dare I say, blushing at his phone.


'Calm down my daughter' I said to myself in his voice, mentally and made mental note that if I'd get a chance to ask him something, I'll ask about "his person".

Sooner everyone joined us, we hugged and wished each other, well it's our warm daily routine but tae just kisses my hand and gives me his boxy smile. Ughh this man never fails to make me fall head over heals for him.

After breakfast, kookie and sunshine washed the dishes because jinnie hyung wants everyone to participate in chores so I could get some rest as well.

Being done with everything we sat lazily on couch, seeing photos of this week from everyone's phone in our tv and laughing. One picture got everyone's attention which was the one max clicked of us sleeping from my phone.

All of them cooed at that pic and made that thier wallpaper.. so cute.
We chatted about our activities as we've came a new tradition that once in a month we'll see pictures and recall what we did the whole month for fun and just to get closer to each other .

We didn't realised how our little talk continued till evening. I quickly cooked dinner for everyone and after having dinner jimin suggested playing truth and dare... taking first step towards executing our plan.

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