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Y/n's pov

I reached my room blushing just to see suga outside my room's window door with ice cream tub on his one hand , I opened it and we both sat on the edge of window door.

I took ice cream from him and started eating it.

Suga: *teasingly* so you and tae, huh?

Y/n: what the hell you are saying, there's nothing between us.

I said stuffing my mouth with ice cream so that I don't have to speak anything, that's the only solution I could thought of.

Suga: such a liar you are, even a blind can see the tension between you two and how you both look at each other.

Y/n: how?

Suga: like you are falling in love with each other , it's a beautiful feeling.
(he said lookin towards sky)

Y/n : yeah you would know,  well I don't blame you, chim is beautiful human .

He looked at me all shocked.

Y/n: it's not rocket science you know, if you wouldn't love him you won't be kissing him like that , you wouldn't even kiss him in the first place.

I muffled my mouth as I stuff more ice cream.

Suga: well yeah I do but I don't know if he does or not (looks at sky).

'He do, he's head over heels for you , you pabo' is what I wanted to say but chim trusted me with this and I'm not gonna fuck it.

Y/n : well only chim could answer that , you should ask him.

Suga: what if he doesn't reciprocate feelings than I'll loose him as a friend too.

Y/n: it won't happen I don't know about chim's feeling but I can feel he likes you too otherwise that kiss and how he behaves around you just doesn't make sense.

Suga: I'm not sure.

Y/n: since how long you have feelings for him ?

Suga: years.

Y/n : and you never felt he has some feelings for you?

Suga: no, he definately has something for me I know that otherwise he would be uncomfortable or give me a hint to not be that close with him but rather he wants me all by himself sometimes and always wants to stay close to me you know.

Y/n: so, you need to make a move before someone takes him away from you.

Suga: and what if-

Y/n : there's gonna be a lot of what if's to stop you but you gotta follow your heart. You yourself said it's been years and if you ain't gonna make a move now maybe someone else will and when you'll see him with others you'll only have regrets like, ohh I wish I had courage to tell him about my feelings maybe he would've reciprocated my feelings and we'd be a great couple.
*stuffs more ice cream*

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