48: Saving Ami at any cost

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Sunghoon was in the HYBE building, searching for Hanun. He went to Eun Xiao who was with Eunyoo.

"Where is Hanun?" Sunghoon questioned and Xiao came and held his hand.

"Ami is kidnapped, Hanun and the manager on the way to find her." Xiao said and Sunghoon was in shock.

"Why Hanun went with him?!" Sunghoon shouted and Eunyoo came to him.

"We are going there now. Please stay here Sunghoon-ssi." She said and Sunghoon disagreed.

"I'm coming too." He said and got in his manager car and started to drive while Eunyoo send him the message.

Meanwhile, Hanun and the manager were still driving. 30 minutes passed and the kidnapper's car stopped.

They were near the location and the car got stucked in a big  puudle type of ground.

"What happened?" Hanun questioned and the manager pushed the steering gear but the car didin't moved.

"I think it's stuck." Manager said and Hanun bit her lower lip and opened the door and looked at the puddle which acted like a barrier to the ground.

She took a deep breath and jumped from the car and successfully she fell on the ground.

"HANUN-AH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Manager shouted and Hanun looked at him and started to run from there.

Tears flow from her eyes and she ran really fast to follow the location. With a strong mind to save her member she decided to fight alone.

She saw a constructing building and she slowly entered that building from the back door.

It was quiet and dark. She slowly checked the while floor and found nothing.

She entered the second floor and she saw a room which was decorated with roses from outside.

She bit her lower lip and slowly opened the door and saw Ami's photos on the wall all 4 sides.

Ami was in between, she was on the chair, her hands and legs were tied up with a rope.

"Unnie!" Hanun exclaimed and started to wake her up. She saw the ropes had tiny and thin needle type spikes which caused thin cuts on Ami's wrist.

"Unnie please wake up..." Hanun lowkey cried and started to move her shoulders and slowly Ami moved.

"Ah..." Ami exclaimed and Hanun started to untie the rope even though it was spikey.

Her hands got hurt so she tore a long piece from her dress and wrapped it around her hands as fast as she could and started to untie her.

Ami opened her eyes and she looked at Hanun and pursed her lips to control her emotions.

"Unnie, manager and I came here to save you." Hanun said Ami's on hand was free from the rope.

Ami looker at the door and saw a person wearing a black hoodie and a mask.

"Hanun... someone is at the door." Ami slowly whispered and Hanun didn't panicked and untied her.

"He is coming towards us with a rod..." Ami panicked and Hanun took a deep breath and when he made a move, both of the girls moved to the right and fell on the ground.

The stalker laughed and looked at them both. Hanun got up and faced the stalker.

"Why are you doing this?" Hanun spoke up with confidence  and fearless meanwhile Ami was untied her ropes which were tied on the legs.

"Tch... isn't it's obvious? Your unnie has a beautiful face, beautiful body... I love her." He said and removed her mask and Hanun looked at the bruises at that man who seemed above 20.

"You psychopath jerk." Hanun said and he laughed like a maniac. Ami got up and stood behind Hanun.

"Unnie, did he did something else?" Hanun questioned and Ami shook her head and held Hanun's shirt tightly.

Hanun came to know what that and Hanun looked at the stalker with rage and tears in her eyes.

"HOW CAN YOU TOUCH HER?!" Hanun shouted and tears flowed from her eyes.

"Hahaha. You girls weak, that is why we men use girls like you." He said and started to come closer to her.

Hanun stepped back and scoffed for the words he said. She laughed and lowered her head.

"You know what?..." she said and looked at him with the creepiest gaze which made the stalker stop.

"Not every girl is weak. And I will prove it." She said and took a rod from her back and hit the stalker from the shoulder.

Like this the fight began.

He started to defense himself and Hanun was continuously beating him with the rod.

Suddenly he hit Hanun on her legs and she fell down on the ground.

"Hanun-ah!" Ami shouted and the stalker looked at Ami and went to her and started to misbehave.

Hanun got up and hit his head with the rod and he turned around annoyed and gave a death glare to her.

"Ami unnie. Run from here." Hanun said and Ami shook her head as no and was so scared to move.

The stalker laughed and looked at Ami and hit her her head with his rod really hard that Ami fell on the ground unconscious.

"You Bastard!" Hanun shouted and started to hit the stalker more and more that the stalker gave up and fell on the ground.

Hanun went to Ami and touch her head. She felt her head was swollen.

She lost her energy and still managed to wake her up. She heard the sirens and was revealed.

Suddenly the stalker got up and kicked Hanun back really hard that she went to the door and hit her head to the wall.

Her head started to spin and she felt unconscious.

The stalker came near to Hanun and removed a knife from his pocket and stabbed it right on her shoulder.

"Ah!!" The unconscious Hanun shouted and her eyelids became heavy. She still managed to open her eyes and looked at the stalker making way to Ami.

Sunghoon came into the scene and looked at Hanun laying kn the floor while the blood flowed all over the ground.

The little bit of energy was left in Hanun, she used it to remove the knife from her shoulder and she held the stalkers leg and stabbed right on his knee.

"AHHH!!!!" The moment the stalker shouted, polices entered the room and Hanun's vision got blurred and she
passed away.

To be continued...

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