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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

I sat back on my sofa my laptop resting on my knees, i clicked on the latest Cry video and lifted the tub of ice-cream up closer to my face. The ladel i called a spoon dug into it, i pulled out a large scoop of ice-cream and stuffed it in my face, laughing at Cry's silliness.

Just as it was getting into the action my phone rang, with a sigh i plopped the ice-cream down onto the table, and my latop down on the couch next to me reaching into my back pocket and retreaving my phone "hello?" i heard a heavin panting on the other side "(Y-Y/N)?" it was my mother's voice "mum? What's going on?" i asked sitting up straighter "you need to stay in your apartment okay, whatever yoou do, do not leave okay? I love you, i love you so mu-" the call ended "mum? MUM!" i yelled into the phone but it was no use.

Pulling the phone from my face i stuffed it back inside my pocket and ran towards the door, as my hand hovered over the handle i recalled what my mother had said over the phone and i faltered. Pulling my hand away i turned around and ran towards the window instead.

Peering out the window i noticed a woman and a man outside, the man was staggering, a drunk possibly. And the woman was walking over to him most likely to check if he was okay. As she got close to him he sprung up and clung to her and buried his face in her neck.

I couldn't see so well from the height but not long after i could hear her faint screams and she fell too the floor a pool of blood forming beneath her. I stared in horror as the man fell to his knees and plunged his hands into her stomach and began removing her organs. He lifted them to his face and began stuffing them inside, hurriedly i reached next to me where my lamp was.

Pulling the plug out the wall i held the lamp over the mans head and dropped so he was stop hurting that woman, some part of me hoped she was still alive even though i knew she was dead. I gulped before letting the lamp slip from my fingers.

It fell right ontop of his head shattering upon impact, the man fell to the side, limp a large dent in his head which wouldn't happen with a normal person as their head would be harder then that. I held a hand over my mouth and back away from the window, i felt vomit rise in my throat but i swallowed it back down.

I jumped at a loud banging on my door, hesitantly i grabbed a conveniently placed baseball bat and walked towards the door. Looking through the peep whole i saw gray, lifeless eyes stare back at me. The eyes were blood shot and the skin around them seemed to be decaying, not to mention covered in blood. Backing away from the door i held up the bat my body trembling and large amount. Rushing over to my coffee table i pushed it towards the door.

I began to push the sofa and other things up against the door and barricaded myself in before hurrying to my bedroom. Making sure the doors were locked especially the window that lead to the fire escape.

Grabbing my baseball bat i crawled under the covers of my bed and curled up into a ball, also making sure my phone was close in case my parents called again. Tears sprung in my eyes as i curled up into a tighter ball and prayed that this whole thing was just a terrible nightmare.

The banging on my door stopped and i finally able to drift off into sleep and hopefully when i wake up, i'll find that none of this ever happened in the first place.

The apocalypse (Cry x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now