Chapter 5: Shelter

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

We were taking the forest route this time, it would be dangerous walking around in the open. And if someone was coming for us we would hear them, stepping over a tree root I ran a hand through my hair.

Cry and I were now walking at the same pace deciding staying as close together as we could would be safer. There was a crunch of dry leaves being stepped on and a snap of a twig being broken.

Our attention was immediately directed to that noise, and there was a walker stumbling towards us. Holding it's only arm out he staggered before stubbing his toe on a tree root and fell. Not bothering to stand it crawled, sparing a glance at each other we shook our heads.

The walker was far away there was no need to kill it, it wouldn't catch up at this point. We continued walking until we eventually made our way to the edge of the woods. We hadn't walked the entire length of the forest instead we had made a turn since we saw houses nearby.

The small town we chanced upon was completely deserted, there were a few cars here and there but not many. Doors on houses had been left wide open even windows a few walkers wander here and there which luckily didn't spot us.

I held up my bat while Cry got out his gun, we would check houses individually, and yell for each other if we needed help. Stepping into the nearest house and shutting the door behind me, I tapped the handle of the bat against the wall semi loudly so if any walkers were in here they'd be attracted to the noise and show themselves.

Nothing, the house was clear. Refusing to let my guard down I warily searched the house. There was a packet of ramen noodles in the kitchen which I stuffed into my backpack, the good thin about them is that you can eat them raw and they still taste good.

Grabbing a few bottles of water out of the nonoperational fridge. Holding an arm to my nose when a horrible smell from the fridge hit me. Shutting the door to the once cool compartment I searched the rest of the house until i came upon the master bedroom.

Grabbing some clothes from the wardrobe I bundled them up and stuffed them in my backpack, if we didn't need clothes they could be used for bandages.

Then I looked under the bed, there was a long wooden box, sliding it out and plonking it down on the bed I opened it up. I whistled at my find, a shot gun was laying in the wooden box. The owner of the house must have forgotten it was here when they ran.

There were boxes of shotgun shells in the box as well, taking the boxes of ammo and putting them in the side pouch of my backpack for easy access in case I needed them. I lifted the heavy weapon out of the box, I wasn't exactly sure how to use it, first person shooter games are the only familiarity i have with a shotgun.

Slotting my baseball bat into a strap at the side of the backpack I held the shotgun in my arms and walked out. Cry was waiting, his own backpack seemed much more full then it was before.

When he turned to look at me he nodded "woah, nice find" I grinned "thanks, I don't know how to use it though" "I'll teach you, but not here. We can use on of these houses as a base for now, so...pick one" he said.

Deciding on a medium sized house we filed in, locking the door behind us. The sun was still up and we weren't exactly tired so we didn't go to bed. There was a fireplace in the living room hanging above it was the antlers of a moose. From the look of the place it seems a hunter used to live here.

The shotgun, the antlers, it was clear. Scooting back into the couch I lifted my knees to my chest and rested my head on my knees. I was silent watching the flames Cry sat next to me "so...should we get to know more about each other?" he asked.

I leaned my head away from my knees "sure, what do you want to know?" I questioned. Cry shrugged "well my full name is (Full Name) is 21 (lets say 21 for now alright?) I was born in (home town) I have (number of family members) members of my family" Cry nodded taking in the info.

"well I'm 24 (he's probably 25 now), I lived in Florida, I don't have a good relationship with my Dad I have-...had a younger brother" he went silent after as did I.

Resting a hand on his shoulder, he turned to 'look' at me "we'll find both our families, okay?" with his mask reaching only under his nose I could see his mouth which tugged up into a smile "yeah".

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