Chapter 50: Kill me

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The days that passed were the hardest of them all, moods down and shoulders tense, anyone that talked would stoop to a whisper. Minx would spend each day, hours upon end leaning back against the door of Krism's house-- or rather, prison; and she would talk. About anything and everything, and Krism who leaned back against the other side would listen, too weak to utter a single word.

I wanted to be happy, for us to be chatting and laughing, joking and playing. Teased with the news of mine and Cry's newly brandished relationship. But how could we laugh? How could we smile and joke when one of ours was suffering? Dying and crippled with the pain and infection that drummed through her.

Leaning forward on the edge of the bed, I placed my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. With a deep breath, I relaxed my shoulders and closed my eyes. I knew it was going to be hard, of course it was, losing someone would never be easy, I just hadn't expected it to be this hard.

A gentle, familiar hand landed on my back rubbing slow, smooth circles on my spine. "Are you okay?" Cry whispered gently sitting close enough that his thigh pressed against my own.

Leaning my head back with an even louder sigh,  I sat up straighter "I don't even know how to reply to that anymore" I found myself mumbling quietly. Wrapping a warm arm around my shoulder, he pulled me in to lean against his chest.

"I know (Y/N), I know"


The times where Minx wasn't sitting outside Krism's door were rare, only when she absolutely needed sleep or Krism forced her to get some rest. Now however, was one of those times, gently unwrapping Cry's dead weight arm from my shoulder and laying it beside his napping body. I quietly sneaked towards the door.

With one last glance back to him, I slipped out, shutting the door as silently as I could. Making my way down the stairs, I rolled from my heel to my toes, creating as little sound as possible. The door closed behind me with a quiet click, but even then I didn't allow myself to relax.

Quietly jogging my way over to the house Krism was locked inside, I bit my lip, fist hovering over the hard wood door. Contemplating whether or not to wake the exhausted female, knowing she was most likely resting just against the door, fatigued body not allowing any excessive movement.

Faintly enough that no one else would hear, my knuckles tapped the door and it was only seconds later that there was a weak, almost unheard whisper from the other side "Minx? I though I told you to go to bed".

The sound of her voice was like a punch in the throat, weak and strained, choppy as she gasped for breath. The infection was no doubt surging through her at an incredible rate, inches away from reaching her heart and once it reached her heart, would surge towards her brain and from them on--

I shudder at the thought, turning and slumping against the door. Sliding down the chilled wood, my knees pulled to my chest as soon as I hit the floor "it's not Minx" I mumbled quietly, propping the letter box open so she could hear me better.

There was a brief pause, and a quiet squeak of metal as she had done the same to the other side of the letter box "(Y/N)?", her vocal chords trembled around the syllables. The smile on my face at the quick recognition was as quick to leave as it was to arrive.

"Yeah, it's me"

"What are you doing here? It's late, you should be resting"

"I could say the same to you" was my quick reply, glancing back at the door, free hand clenched tight, teeth clamping down against each other "actually I couldn't sleep" I gave in.

Her chuckle was breathless and frail, consisting of a few simple puffs of breath "same here, I guess".

My gaze was glued to the floor, hoping the sight of the chipping white paint might distract me from the situation. "What's your reason?" I heard her wheeze, the conversation making her breathless.

"Worried, you?" I was hesitant to give her such a curt answer, wanting her to catch as much breath as she could manage.

"Pain" was all she could manage to spit out, my jaw only clenched tighter. Shoulders tense, my palms stung with the pain of my nails embedding themselves.

"(Y/N)...could you do me a favour?" came her quiet whisper, taking a shaky breath, I glanced back at the door and furrowed my brows in confusion "what is it?" I mumbled in interest.

"Consider it a dying wish" her quiet laughter broke off into a hard, mucus filled cough "sorry, bad joke".

Despite myself, I could feel the corners of my lips tugging up into a smile "okay then, lay your last will and testiment on me". When her laughter continued, my smile could only grow. The soft tinkering of her quiet, weakened giggle almost made me forget.

Forget that she was bit, forget that there was such a thing as the walkers that roamed and sought out our flesh. Forget that she was dying, that every second of everyday we put ourselves at risk, that Krism, in that room, could be any one of us at any given time.

"So what is it that you've gotten all dramatic over?" I mumbled, a quiet sigh escaping my lungs as I turned my head over my shoulder. The silence in between was stagnant, drawing out longer that my suspense could handle.

"You have to promise me, (Y/N), no matter what anyone says, not matter how Minx react, please, please promise me"

My brows furrowed, light joking tone dropped in both our voices "what? What is it?" I whispered, shuffling closer to the door to hear her better.

She took a sharp, shuddering intake of breath, pausing long once more.

"Kill me"

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