Chapter 31: On the road again

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

There are many important rules to follow when in the apocalypse that widen your chances of surviving. And one of those rules is to never stay in one place for too long.

And whilst this clearing in the forest didn't seem to attract many walkers, the fact of the matter was that we're out in the open and that's never safe.

With one of our cars sitting at the bottom of the lake, there was only one vehicle remaining. And too many of us to fit in it.

There were, of course, negotiations of who got to drive and who would walk behind the car. But no one wanted to be in the car, not wanting to seem like they were 'more important' and as stupid as it sounds, the car was left behind.

We gathered our belongings, dumping what was not needed to lighten our load, weapons on hand we double checked our belongings.

With a few days of rest and plenty of food and water that the other's had divided with me, I was feeling much stronger. Sitting back and doing nothing whilst everyone else rushed around to do things for me just wasn't in my nature. Especially after they gave me part of their share of resources.

I pulled the zip of my jacket up, just under my chest and took a deep breath. Brushing my hair away from my face as I turned to check if everyone else was ready. Some were pulled their backpacks on, other's chatting idly as they waited.

I cleared my throat as I came to stood by Cole, the ginger lowered his head to look down at me and gave a silent nod; lifting his head to look over the group "is everyone ready?" he asked, his voice elevated slightly so he could be heard clearly.

The quiet chatter stooped to whispers before stopping all together as attention was turned to Cole "it's still early so we should get moving soon, we'll find a place to camp when sun down comes and we'll spend the sunlight walking".

The group nodded, no objections.

"Alright then let's head on out" Cole picked up his bag from the floor and pulled it over his shoulder. Turning his back, he head his way through the forest back towards the main road.

I walked towards the back, not the safest place to be but quiet, leaving me with my thoughts. But we all know that it's even more unsafe to be left with your own thoughts - and who to save me from my own mind other than Cry?

The masked male slowed down, coming up to walk by my side at my pace. He was silent for a few moments, and I could feel his gaze land on me and leave me soon after as though he was trying to figure out what to say.

"So uh--"

"You know if there's anything you want to say, you can just say it, right?" I cut him off, glancing at him from the corner of my eye and raising a brow.

His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat as he gulped, rubbing the back of his neck "how are you feeling?" he asked finally.

The corners of his lips twitched up at his genuine concern "I'm okay, managing" I replied honestly, turning to look at him "you?".

Cry let out a deep sigh "all of this is a lot harder than they make it look in the video games" he mumbled, running a hand through his messy locks of hair. I gave a nod of agreement "it's honestly really hard to find the bright side in all of this" I breathed out.

"I know a bright side" he perked up, his depressed tone suddenly vanishing, he was really just like he was in his videos.

I rose a questioning brow as I looked over at him "we met you" he replied with a grin, laughing at his own cheesy words.

I gave a light roll of my eyes but didn't bother hiding the smile that crept onto my lips "and we're all family, we're all in this together, none of us would have ever been this close if it weren't for the situation" he added.

"As much as this whole apocalypse is tearing everything apart, it's bringing us all together too" Cry stared down at the floor, watching his stepping as we trekked the forest.

"Wow Cry, so inspirational"

The male gave an amused snort and pushed my shoulder playfully, I stumbled slightly with a light giggle "but I do agree, I'm glad I saw you that day, I don't know if I could've made it this far without you, without all of you".

Cry gave an agreeing hum and stepped closer, our arms brushing with each step, not that either of us seemed to mind.

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