Chapter 25: Runnin'

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

The group was separated into two, the majority of us would be going in the vehicle that Devlin had come across as it was larger, but with two good cars, a lot of his space would be taken up by luggage and other such things.

"All right everyone, seat belts" I called to the other's who had been chosen for my side. My group consisted of Dan, Phil, Mark, Sean, and Cry. Dan wasn't very happy about being squished the middle but we needed enough room.

The plan had been that Cry ride in the other car but he refused for some reason, I wasn't complaining as we could use his survival skills. Very begrudgingly, Cole decided he would give up his space so Dan and Phil could ride together.

There were multiple clicking noises as everyone strapped down. I was allowed to drive a 'reward' for finding the car. Cry rode on the passenger side while the other's squeezed into the back, it was rather uncomfortable but they managed.

I started up the car, flashing the light's at Devlin's car to show him we're ready to get moving. The vehicle ahead seemed to get the message and slowly began to drive on. I followed behind at a pace reasonable enough so as not to be rushing them but we did want to be speedy here.

Gas was an issue, we wanted to cover as much distance as possible before we ran out, finding gas wouldn't be difficult, but it wouldn't be easy either. After half an hour of struggling to get passed abandoned cars lining the road, we were finally in a clear area and moving at an increased pace.

I furrowed my brows in confusion as the car ahead slowed to a stop, there was no way they were out of gas yet. "What the hell is he doing?" I whispered to myself, parking car I unbuckled "you guys should stay here, probably no point in getting out".

Cry opened his mouth to protest when I sent him a stern glance "don't worry, I'm just going to check why they're stopping". I slipped out of the car, shutting the door behind me as I made my way towards the car.

I stopped dead in my tracks as soon as I made my way around Devlin's car, by the side of the road was another car. The hood was popped and there stood a man, bald and burly leaned over it. Dripping with sweat and grease as he whacked the engine with a spanner.

Hearing my footsteps he straight his body, turning on his heel in my direction. His expression was unreadable for a few moments "hey stranger!" he said with a grin "could you spare some help?" I glanced towards Devlin's car.

He sat in the driver's side, gripping the wheel tightly. Slowly, Devlin shook his head 'no'. I gave him a sheepish smile "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't know much about mechanics". I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly, slowly I began to walk backwards and away from him.

"Nah, that's all right. I know what's wrong, I just need to borrow something of yours", his grip on the spanner in his hand tightened and it certainly didn't no unnoticed. I gulped and continued my shaky steps away from him "o-oh? And what is that?" I asked nervously.

"Battery. You see my battery is dead and I need to get somewhere" he shrugged "but aren't there other perfectly useful batteries?" I cocked my head to the side as he took a step towards me "I've checked all of the ones in the area, dead. Unbelievable right?.

"I'm sorry, we have places to go too", his jaw clenched at my answer. That certainly didn't make him happy.

An apparent sneer spread across his face as he rose the spanner above his head, he took a booming step forward. The beginning of a sprint, I turned on my heel quickly, the gravel shifting beneath my heel at the swift movement.

Things went in slow motion as I kicked off of the ground, sprinting towards my vehicle. Seeing my panicked face and quick pace, Cry straightened in his seat. As soon as his eyes landed on the male chasing me, he reached over and opened the driver's side door.

I gripped the side of the door, diving inside and gripping the door to slam it shut. The burly male gripped the handle on the outside tugging roughly. I let out a yelp as I attempted to close the door, he reached his arm inside. I turned my body, kicking at his arm as I tugged on the door desperately.

Clenching my jaw tightly I let out a cry of anguish, landing one last harsh kick to his arm I slammed the door shut and locked it. Panting heavily I didn't give myself a moment to celebrate and started up the car, slamming my fist down on the horn to start the other car up.

In but a few moments they took off, and just as the large male pulled his hand back to smash the window with his spanner I slammed down on the accelerator and went speeding off, leaving him in the dust.

I let out shaky pants, gulping as I lessened the pressure on the pedal so we didn't crash into the back of the vehicle ahead. Cry reached over, placing his hand on my shoulder, I tensed under the contact and glanced at him from the corner of my eye as I tightened and loosened my grip on the steering wheel "I'm fine, I'm-- fine" I breathed out shakily.

The other's were silent as they spared each other worried glances "let's just forget that happened", there were no objections.

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