Chapter 46: The truth

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Cry sat beside me, head dropped in exasperation "I'm gonna kill him" he whispered under his breath as he looked towards the building that Felix was currently waiting in.

"So he was telling the truth then..." I mumbled, my eyes leaving his form to land on my lap. I could hear the ruffling of his clothes as he shifted, hugging his arms to himself, he inhaled shakily before exhaling deeply.

"....Yeah" he mumbled under his breath, and as the word left his lips, I felt the hairs on my arms stand on end, a sudden spike through my chest, tingles ran down my arms and a sensation I didn't quite recognize sat in my stomach.

"Then you're feelings towards me are--"

"I like you

He cut me off abruptly, his head remained lowered and his hands clasped each other tightly "I like you, a lot actually, I thought you would've figured it out by now but.." he took a deep breath and bit his lip.

"You don't have to say anything, it's just good to get it off my chest, I've been hiding it for a while".

I found myself staring down at the ground in a mix of disbelief and awe "really?" I breathed out quietly, from my peripheral I could see him nodding his head slowly.

Cry let out a deep sigh as he ran a hand through his messy hair "so...that's it" he mumbled, slapping his thighs gently, running his hands down them to rid of any clamminess.

As I glanced to him, I could see the tenseness in his shoulders, his leg beginning to bounce anxiously. His hands squeezed and released his thighs every now and then.

He was nervous, and it was cute.

Placing a hand down on the wood of the porch in between us, I leaned towards him, eyes fluttering closed as I pressed a gentle kiss to the cold plastic of the cheek of his mask. I could hear his sharp intake of breath and deep gulp.

As I leaned back slowly I leaned down to place my hand over his, the tense muscle relaxing under my touch. Allowing me to slip my hand under his and grasp it tightly, I stood up, slowly pulling him up with me. 

"Come on, we can probably get in a few more hours of sleep before everyone else gets up".

As though still awe struck, the male stood up without an argument and followed after me slowly.

"Does this mean that you--"

I stopped walking, Cry stopping both in step and sentence behind me, I turned around slowly. "I thought you would've figured out by now?" I echoed his words from earlier.

From the break in his mask, I could see the way he bit his lip to conceal his smile. He gave a slow nod and lowered his head, allowing me to guide him back to the house, up the stairs and into the room, we had been in not long before.

Pushing the door open, it was quite the surprise to find it empty, a piece of paper laying down in the centre of the bed.

'I thought I'd give you love birds some privacy so I'm bunking with Cole, don't have too much fun, the walls are thin lololol'

Was written on the note in sloppy handwriting, I sighed and dropped my head "Felix" I mumbled in amusement under my breath, handing the note over to Cry so he could read it.

Cry read over the page a few times before sighing and shaking his head "I really am going to kill him" he mumbled under his breath.

He crumpled the note in his hand and tossed it aside, grumbling under his breath with an amused undertone. Releasing my hand, he stepped towards he side of the bed he had taken up just a few minutes before.

I, myself, made my way towards the side Felix had been sleeping it, kicking off my shoes and pulling off my socks, I slipped under the covers with a breath of relaxation. I rolled onto my side to face Cry, he had done the same, kicking off his shoes and socks and slipping under the covers with me.

"I hope this isn't weird for you, after finding out about-- well..." he trailed off as he pulled the covers up to his chin.

I shook my head and shuffled towards him "it's fine, we cuddled before I knew, I'm not going to make things awkward".

"Well there's nothing wrong with platonic cuddling, if... you know--" he bit his lip nervously.

I bit my lip to hide the amused smile pulling at the corners, wordlessly, I shuffled down and towards the male, tucking my head under his chin and resting my forehead against his chest.

I could hear his heart rate pick up at the close proximity, his arm slowly coming up to sling around my waist, I leaned into him, eyes falling closed at the comfort of his warmth.

"Goodnight (Y/N)" I heard him whisper quietly, as his cheek came to rest atop my head.

"Goodnight, Cry"

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