Chapter 19: OH HELL NAW

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

We filled up all water bottles we had on us with water, anything that could hold water, every container that had unimportant items in them was cleaned out and filled with water. Water was incredibly important in an apocalypse, who knows when the next time we'll find something to drink will be.

"The sun is setting, we need to start heading back" I said staring up at the orange tinted sky. There were no objections, they all knew how dangerous it was to be out in the open at night. It's hard to see, it's hard to move, not to mention you begin to get tired and less aware.

There's also that it's pretty scary at night. Cole walked at the back this time, the chances of walker's coming up from behind was high. Cole was trained in the military he has quicker reflexes, if my back is turned and I only notice at the last second we could be done for, but if they came up behind him, he could defend and attack.

We were being lead by Minx, I was in the safety of the middle which didn't happen often. I kept my eyes open, glancing around cautiously, we were around 20 minutes away from our meeting point and the sky was tinting dark blue. If we could get there before pitch black that would be great.


By the time we had reached the meeting point, it was dark. Cry's group had already arrived, that sat around a small fire "You're back! We were beginning to get worried" Felix chirped, I sighed and rolled my shoulder "we ran into a little trouble but we found a fresh water lake and topped up" Krism informed.

I walked to the side to drop my backpack down"Sup doll" I stopped dead at the familiar voice, there, sitting by the fire was that--that egotistical, trigger happy idiot. I pointed at him and then turned to Cry "Why in God's name is he here?!" I questioned, Mark rose a brow "you've met?".

"He was the trouble we ran into, he tried to melt us with his big, fancy laser canon", Devlin winced at my words "you still hung up about that?" he chuckled. "Hung up about it? We could've died!" I exclaimed, stomping my foot and balling my hands into fists at my sides.

He shrugged "meh~ One less mouth to feed"

"Why I ought to-" I moved to marched towards him when Cry jumped up, stepping in front of me "woah! Woah, easy there. I'm guessing you two don't like each other very muc-" "on the contrary, I think she's hot, she just hates me" Devlin interrupted.

Cry sighed and turned back to look at him, if his mask hadn't been hiding his face I could tell he would've glared "not now Devlin" he grumbled turning back to me. "But he knows things and he has things that we could use, he's going to help us, he's coming with us".

My jaw dropped at Cry's words "OH HELL NAW!" I replied stepping around him and stomping towards the smirking male. I gripped the collar of his shirt tightly and brought his face close to mine "you're not coming with us-" I glanced at the other "He's not coming with us!".

"We've already decided (Y/N), it's final, he's staying" the masked male stuffed his hands in his pockets "goddamn it" I whispered to myself. "Guess you lose this round sweet cheeks" Devlin grinned, I growled "if you even think of hurting one of them, my bat will be so far up your backside you'll need a special kind of doctor to remove it" I hissed.

He let out a nervous chuckle and held up in hands in a surrender type motion "yes ma'am", I pushed him back roughly by his collar "*sshole" I muttered to myself. I picked up my backpack once more "I'm going for a walk" I huffed.

"(Y/N), come on!" Cry called after me.

I didn't walk far, still with the group in my sights. I leaned against a tree, and ran a hand through my hair. I can't believe they would allow that guy to join us, he's dangerous, he'll put us all in harm. The proof? He tried to kill us with a freaking laser gun.

I heard footsteps and soon someone clearing their throat "Um...(Y/N)?" it was Cry, "what was that back there?" he questioned. "It's not safe to have a guy like that wish us Cry, I can feel it".

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am, I wouldn't blow up like that at someone unless I was a hundred percent certain that they can't be trusted"

The masked male sighed "it's the best bet we have, you want to find the CIA HQ right? To figure this whole thing out? He knows where it is, he knows how to get there. What else can we do?".

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose "you're right, sorry It's just--" I glanced over at the group. Devlin wrapped his arm over Krism's shoulder, the female to tugged away and pulled into Minx's arms, the purple/brunette pointed at the male and began yelling.

"Nevermind, I just need a breather I'll be over in a minute".

He nodded "be careful", with that he jogged back to the group. I slid down the tree, leaning back against it "ugh, can this get any worse?"

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