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You're probably thinking "AUTHOR, WHAT THE HELL??? HOW DARE YOU NOT UPDATE" and yes, you're 10000000% right, I am such a jerk for not updating but! I have a reason. I *drum roll*


I'm illustrating it myself, with the help of my girlfriend and it hasn't been published but we're thinking about it, but I've written a children's book and I'm planning to get it out there and sold and what not.

I've been writing novels on the side lines and thought a children's book would be best to get my name known in the writing business, so it happened! And there you go, that's why I haven't been updating, because I'm writing novels and books that are going to be published and are not available on the internet because they're to be published as proper books, hopefully.

I hope you're not too mad. Be merciful to your smol author, thank you so much! Kisses, hugs, love you bugs. I'll update soon!


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