Chapter 34: Let me see him

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

I had been left alone for days, lost count of the seconds that passed after they had passed 749 billion. The room was dark, musty, and cold. Sitting in the middle of a room so dark you wouldn't be able to see your hand in front of you, alone, wasn't pleasant in the slightest.

There were brief moments, the sounds of people passing by, the very chattering. Some stopped outside my door, making sure the lock hadn't been tampered with, before passing on.

Keeping me isolated like this was probably a punishment of sorts for talking back to my captor. So as the door opened, flooding light into the room, I reeled back as though the sun had just appeared before my naked eyes, though in reality, the light was dim.

I flinched, squeezing my eyes closed to protect them from the sudden light, a dimmer light was brought into the door and the door was closed. Deeming safe to open my eyes, I peaked up at the sudden guests.

I wasn't too surprised to see Chris standing there, arms crossed over his chest "Roy wants to see you" he mumbled.

"Well I'm honoured, but I'm a bit tied up at the moment" I tugged my wrists against the restraints with a huff. He cocked a brow at my choice of words, before the corner of his lips tugged up into a smirk "you're lucky, with an attitude like that, he might just spare you".

Walking around me, he cut at the rope, and I felt my arms fall to my sides with a slump, aching and sore. My wrists were red, bleeding and rubbed raw, Chris grasped my upper arm, pulling me up onto me feet.

My knees buckled, weak and aching. He pulled my hands behind me, keeping his hands on my forearms, not only to make sure I didn't run off, but to make sure I didn't fall over. The male lead me out of the room.

The hallways were narrow, any window to be seen was boarded up with far more wood than was necessary and the were a few people dotted around. Lining the corridor, eyes narrows suspiciously at me, large guns held tightly in their arms.

This group was definitely over the top.

I was lead up a flight of stairs, down another hallway until finally we came to a stop in front of a wooden door. Chris knocked briefly before he pushed the door open, Roy was sitting down on a beaten up couch, book in hand. He jumped at the sudden intrusion "how many times have I told you to wait until I tell you to come in!" he spluttered, flustered from the sudden jolt.

I could practically feel the male behind me roll his eyes as he pushed me into the room, sitting me down in the arm chair opposite his boyfriend.

I rubbed my arms, soothing the pain from Chris' tight grip and looked over at the blonde sitting in front of me "what did you want?" I mumbled warily.

Roy cleared his throat and set his book down "I hope you realize the situation you're in, you will listen to me, and you will listen closely or everyone you love with peri--"

"Goddamn it, Roy. What have I told you about those stupid crime novels. Talk like a normal human being would you?" Chris interrupted. Roy's jaw dropped in an offended manner "dear" his voice was sickeningly sweet "let's not argue in front of hostage!".

I held up my hands "no please, don't stop on my account".

Roy huff and picked up the crime book he had put down and threw it over his shoulder "so as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I'm assuming you want to see your friends, no?".

I nodded hesitantly, eyes narrowing in suspicious. "Well for now you can see one of them, and only one of them, any of your choosing, you can tell them anything and everything and in return, you'll do me a favour".

I rose a brow at his offer "and what is this favour you're talking about?"

"Another part of the deal, you're not allowed to know until after the reunion"

I bit my lip, tossing the idea over in my head a few times. I nodded my head "okay, okay you have a deal".

A grin spread across the male's face and he extended his hand "pleasure doing business with you" he purred.

Reaching out my hand, I took his in my own and gave a firm shake.

And you're probably thinking right now "(Y/N), you're an idiot".

And you'd be right.

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