Chapter 14: Determined

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

"Cry?" it was a familiar voice, said man gasped "Pewds?" I looked around, there in fact was the swede man. In his arms a shotgun aimed at the ground, a look of disbelief on his face. Pewds dropped the gun and ran over "friend!" he yelled wrapping his arms around the masked man.

The others lowered their weapons, I was able to recognize Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, UberHaxorNova, Danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Smosh (consisting of Ian and Anthony only), CinnamonToastKen, Tobuscus, and 3 other females I could not recognize and a masked male with the Omega symbol printed on it, I could work out that he was Ohmwrecker.  "Who are they?" I whispered to Cry.

"Oh that's my ex, Minx. And her wife Krism. Oh and that's Scribblenetty (whose real name I don't know if you do please leave it in the comments, for now I'll call her Netty)" he pointed them out quietly. "I'm-" Nova spoke up "I know who you all are....but introduce yourselves anyway since Cole here doesn't".

"I'm Markiplier, can call me Mark"

"Nova! But my real name's James" he shrugged.

"Pewdiepie, but you can call me Pewds or Felix"

"I'm Minx"

"I'm Krism, Minx's wife pleasure to meet you!"


"Hi, I'm Phil" 

"You can call me Ohm"

"Wazzap! I'm Jack, or Sean....but you might as well call me Jack" 

"I'm Ken"

"Netty, pleased to meet ya"

"yo, the name's Ian"

"I'm Anthony"

"Hello there! I'm Toby"

They had finished their introductions, Cole nodded looking down to try and remember all of the names he had been bombarded with "how...are you all in one place?" I asked.

"Vidcon" they shrugged, I nodded "makes sense" I pursed my lips "so, I'm (Y/N) I met Cry by chance and this is Cole, we picked him up along the way" I greeted "where were you all headed?" they asked "well...we're not really sure. I got a call from the CIA-" "the CIA? Are you some sort of spy?" Jack asked excitedly.

I chuckled and shook my head "no, I had called them up and the secretary called me back, one of their main offices has been taken over by the dead. I was planning on heading to another base try and find info" I informed "well...where is it?" they asked.

I ran a hand through my hair "the closest? D.C" they shared wary glances "that's the closest, but it's ages away, it will take weeks to get there! And that's with a vehicle"  Minx exclaimed "I'm aware, but s far it's our only option, I's better then wasting away" I shrugged.

"Well...there's strength in numbers so you guys wanna tag along?" Cry asked "are you sure? I mean there's strength in numbers but there's also noise in numbers I will attract walkers" Phil said shuffling closer to Dan nervously as all the attention was directed to him.

 I shrugged "It's not a problem for me, Cole?" the man shook his head and held up his hands "the more the merrier" I grinned "then it's settled! We're a team now" I looked up, the sky was darkening "but first....we need to stop. Let's not get killed the first night" I sighed, Mark nodded "of course, we'll lead you to our base!".

They turned and walked, the 3 of us following behind. We were led to a large building, it was an abandoned inn. They walked in without a care, signifying me that they had been here a while and were sure no walkers could wander in. I looked around, the lower level was a bar, there were broke bottles that looked like they had been there a while.

Empty bottles of liquor amongst a few knocked down bar stools, what you'd expect from a bar fight or something. They began to walk upstairs, once again we followed "don't worry there are plenty of rooms that are vacant so you won't have to pair up with anyone" Nova said before turning around "unless you want to" he said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes as Minx slapped the back of his head "ow" he yelped, rubbing his head but not losing his grin. I decided on a room fairly close to the stairs, so not only if danger was close and the only option was to run it would be easy to get out, and two because if danger was here that I could stop them from hurting others.

The room was relatively well kept, aside from dust all over the place. The bed faced the door so I would be able too see anyone sneaking in. There was a wooden frame above the bed holding red curtains so I could be hidden while I slept. A dirty red and gold rug underneath the bed. A dressing table with a large mirror was next to the door pushed against the wall.

There was a window on my left and a large wooden, Narnia like closet pushed against the wall. Another door attached, a bathroom. A small chandelier hung from the ceiling, both the floor and the walls were made of wood. I let out a laugh, it reminded me of those old cowboy movies.

Despite the rather...cliché room the place was rather nice. Not oversized, but not too small either. I placed the backpack down on the bed and sat down, bouncing slightly, I leaned over so I could pull my phone from my pocket.

The dark screen stared back at me, it was out of power and probably would never be used again. I almost slapped myself for thinking that, no matter what we had to find a way to kill the virus. You see Viruses need a host, the only way it's spreading it the bite or the scratch, or just plain dying.

Saving those who have already died and turned in impossible, saving the people who are alive is our only hope. We need a cure, and we need enough of it to hand out to the survivors still out there. I gripped my phone tightly, and stared up, out the window,

No matter what I was determined to save us all.

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