Chapter 20: Let it burn

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

I hadn't kept my promise. I sat by the tree, on my own for the whole night. Not catching a wink of sleep, I had kept my eyes open for walkers. Not to mention I could barely stand the sound of Devlin's obnoxious laughter ringing in my ears.

By the time the sun could be seen over the hills in the distance, through the trees, illuminating the mist, I was the only one still awake. Cole who had been on watch had eventually fallen asleep, I had noticed how hard it was for him to try and stay awake.

So, for him not to feel as guilty when he woke up, I struggled to stay awake to make sure no threats approached the group. I let out a deep sigh, leaning my head back against the tree as the sunlight hit my face, flushing me with warmth. I slapped my knees quietly before moving to stand, walking over to the snoozing group.

I stomped down on the smoking fire to extinguish it completely, the last thing we need was a forest fire on our tails. Though I did keep in mind it would be a good way to kill off hoards. "Morning sunshine~" I jumped slightly at the sudden voice.

There sat Devil, sitting against a log, one leg propped up and his arm resting on it. I clenched my jaw and turned away from him "Come on doll, don't be like that" he cooed as he rose to stand. I rolled my eyes, about to head over to my tree.

"Why do you hate me so much?"

I stopped mid step at his question, pursing my lips I sighed and turned to him "would you like a list?", he let out a breathless laugh and shrugged "You tried to kill my people, you're a sexist pig who doesn't care about anyone but himself. You over-sexualise everything you see, hear, or smell. You treat women like objects and men like tools".

Devlin stayed silent as he listened to me go off "you're a childish boy whose only obsessed about using his big toys and I'm sure if it came down to it-- you'd give up the entire human race just so you could have on more day with one of your big boy canons".

I huffed as I finished my small rant "wow--", the male gulped. For a moment I thought that I had actually hurt him with my words "well what can I say..." he trailed off and shrugged "I like my canons", tilted his head back and clutching his stomach he let out a loud laugh. In the meanwhile, waking up the entire group and possibly alerting every walker in a 10 foot radius of our location.

Surely enough I heard low groans, hisses and the sounds of twigs snapping. I landed a hard slap to his shoulder "good going genius! Now we're screwed" I let out a huff and pushed him aside "everyone up! We don't have that much time" I hurried glancing towards the trees in signs of movement.

When everyone one was up, scared and ready to go I glared up and Devil and brushed passed him, my shoulder harshly bumping his own. Having him around was just getting better and better, note the sarcasm. 

As soon as I caught, first glimpse of peeling flesh we were out of there, moving quickly but carefully. Our heavier weapons at the back to protect the group whilst we ran, lighter weapons at the front for anyone we could see.

We didn't know where we were going, how long it was going to take to get their or whether or not we'd lose the walkers. All we knew was that we had to run. What else could we do? Take on a hoard that very clearly outnumbers us? I don't think so.

I stopped dead, the other's running passed me before stopping "What the hell are you doing?! Come on!" they yelled eyeing the approaching walkers behind me "go" I whispered.

Cry stormed towards and gripped my shoulders "Are you crazy?! We can't leave you behind, come o--"


I cut Cry off and pushed him away "I have an idea just trust me" I huffed, he hesitated for a moment before nodded "don't die (Y/N)", I chuckled nervously and gave him a two fingered salute "see you on the other side".

I turned on my heel running to the side, around the hoard and towards our camp site, I used their lack of speed to my advantage, grabbing a thick stick I covered it in ash from what used to be the fire and ran over to a rough rock. I dragged the stick across it quickly "come on, come on" I chanted, glancing behind me. They were approaching.

I dragged the tip of the stick against the rock once again, a spark! Again. And Again. 5th times a charm, I struck the stick one more time - a small flame formed (please bear in mind this isn't a real way to make a fire, I made it up so don't expect it to work if you're fighting off zombies XD).

Just in the nick of time.

I dashed out, worming around their outstretched limbs, the flame grew. I held the fire close to the ground, it lit the dried grass below our feet. I could smell the suffocating smoke, feel the heat of the flames behind me as I dragged the fire out as far as I can before the flamed licked at my hand.

Dropping the stick I picked up my pace, pumping my legs as hard as I could. Holding my arm over my mouth and nose in an attempted to filter out the smoke.

Please God let me get out of here alive, please.

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