Chapter 15: Making friends

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

I sat at the bar, twirling around an empty glass. It once held alcohol...a few years ago I'm not a big drinker. I pursed my lips, I heard someone coming down the stairs but I wasn't alarmed, I looked towards the stairways, it was Minx and Krism.

They smiled towards me "hey, what you are doing here all by yourself?" Minx asked "just...thinking" I shrugged. They took a seat either side of me one arm resting on the bar "do you..." I sighed and shake my head "what is it?" Krism questioned "...well for once it seems that things are going okay, I mean meeting up with you guys...getting this just feels like...everything going to turn to crap in the blink of an eye".

Minx chuckled, landing a semi soft slap to my back "well you can't worry about that now" she said "why is that?" I asked "because that's then, and this is now. The only people who should worry and then are the people who have nothing to live for now" Krism  added with a small giggle. I furrowed my brows in confusion "ever heard of the saying, live for now worry about the future in the future?".

I ran a hand through my hair with a small breathy laugh of my own, "yeah...thanks for the talk girls I'm need a breath of fresh air" "do you want us to come with you?" Krism asked worried. I sent them a reassuring smile "nah, I think I'd rather be alone for a minute thanks" I turned my back and headed out to door.

I had my shotgun slung around my shoulder just in case I got in any trouble, I kicked a pebble with the toe of my boot. I stuffed my hands in my pockets "what are you doing out here by yourself? It's not safe" I turned around. It was Cry.

For once there was no smile on his face, instead a worried expression replaced his usual happy go lucky one "you okay?" he asked. "I-" I stopped myself, pursing my lips "I...don't really know actually, I feel indifferent" I admitted.

The masked man chuckled "despite popular belief I get that a lot" that did surprise me "I just....what are we doing here Cry? What are any of us doing? This...this whole thing is -" I looked down, there was a severed walker arm by my feet.

I pulled my leg back kicking it as hard as I could, as I watched it go flying I finished my sentence "pointless!". I huffed, Cry walked over gripping my upper arms "calm down (Y/N)" he spoke carefully not wanting me to have any further outbursts "Cry! Don't you get it?! What's the point? We're all going to die anyway, let's make as much noise as possible! Let's scream, let's cry, let's freak out....just...Cry...I'm so confused".

He moved to grasp my face, I bit my lips. Furrowing my brows I looked passed the tears gathering my eyes so I could see his face...well mask. "Don't be confused, cry, scream freak out go ahead but ground yourself. Control what's happening to you" Cry shook my gently. I let out a short laugh, my lips trembling as I did so.

"(Y/N)..." he whispered, I stared up at the eye holes of his mask only to find he was moving closer. "...Cry?" I replied, the male pulled away sharply and cleared his throat, removing his hands completely.

The youtuber stepped away and put his hands behind his back "um so...yeah, you should probably come back inside...." he began to walk backwards away from me "soon in case you woah-" he fell stumbled but collected himself.

Cry gave a short wave before turning around abruptly and running inside muttering to himself, I managed to pick up "you're so stupid Cry". I cocked my head to the side before giggling at his odd behaviour, "thank you Cry, for cheering me up" I muttered to myself.

I heard a hissing behind me, turning around with a serious expression I saw a walker approaching, lifting up my gun and staring down the barrel I glared at it. "And thank you, for making my life much more interesting".

I shot.

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