Chapter 39: Reunited

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

Even if morning had come, the darkness in the room didn't shift, we wouldn't be able to tell if it was bright as the sun or dark as night outside.

Time seemed like it had gone on for hours sitting in this room, we made idle chatter to try and pass the time. But a heavy tension hung in the air, the memory of what we could've done if Roy hadn't entered the room sat fresh in our minds.

I glanced over the silhouette of the male, he had moved off of the seat, muscles aching and instead sat down against the wall beside me.

He leaned over, head gently bumping against my shoulder, resting there as he took a deep breath. I let him lean his weight against me, my own head lowering to rest atop his own.

Nothing was said, we just sat there, taking in each other presences. My eyes fell closed as I listened to the soft sound of his breath, I could feel a warmth enveloping my hand, gently fingers entwining with my own.

The corners of my lips curled up slightly, my hand giving his a gentle and comforting squeeze, my smile only growing when he returned the squeeze.

The atmosphere was comfortable now, all tension had dissipated. And just as we had relaxed in the darkness, the door burst open, so used to it we didn't even jump.

"Wakey wakey, you too. Your friends are waiting" came Roy's melodic voice, Chris gave a grunt behind him, arms crossing over his chest.

Cry sighed and lifted his head off of my shoulder, swooping down to pick up his mask that had been tossed to the side by one of the guards, placing it over his face. I rose to my feet, brushing off my jeans and heading towards the door.

Roy walked ahead of us, leading us through the maze like halls. Chris tailed behind us, making sure we weren't a single step out of line.

After what could've been 10 whole minutes of walking, he stopped  at door at the end of the hall, fishing the key out of his pocket, Roy lead us inside.

Immediately I could hear excited gasps as our names were called loudly by familiar voices. I could feel a body slam against mine and tight arms wound around my neck, and as more arms and bodies added to the mass, I let out a light laugh and felt myself stumbling back at the force.

Cry squished at my side with the force of the hugs. Loud cries of relief and worry overlapped as they all talked quickly and simultaneously.

"Guys, guys, calm down" I sputtered out with a light laugh, reluctantly they pulled away, looking over us to make sure we were okay.

As I opened my mouth to prepare to tell them all that had happened there was a loud bang, a gun shot, the distant sound of screams followed.

A louder bang, and a few holes burst through the wall, small, gun shots, a shot gun no doubt. light streamed through the shots.

We ducked behind the furniture quickly, trying to avoid the bullets, multiple bangs were heard, the holes widening to form one large hole. There was soon the sound of grunting, and pounding, and as I peaked over the couch, I could see a man.

Kicking at the hole, until it would large enough for at least two people to squeeze through. His eyes connected with mine and a twisted grin twisted onto his face, spinning on his heel, he rushed out of sight.

And as he disappeared, in the place he was stood I was able to see. In the distance, were walkers, so many walkers.

The sound of the gunshots and the creams having attracted them. "We have to get out of here before they get here, Roy open the door!" I turned to the male, he watched with wide eyes as they approached.

Chris grasped his wrist tightly, pulling him towards the door, wanting his boyfriend out there as soon as he could. Snapping out of his daze, the blonde hurriedly pulled out his gun from his holster on his hip, throwing it towards me "use this! I have to make sure my people are okay-- good luck" he breathed out as Chris pulled him out the door.

And as it swung closed, the image of his maniacal smile flashed before the door slammed closed with a click.

By the time the whole exchange had ended, a walked had already stepped one foot inside the room "Get the door!" I called out quickly, the gun at the walkers "grab anything you can use as a weapon, this gun won't be enough to hold them all off and we can't risk more coming".

Minx and Krism ran to the door, immediately pulling and pushing on it to try and open it "it's not budging! I think they locked it", Felix gently pushed them aside, kicking at the door.

"Someone give me some help over here!" the Swedish man called, Cole instantly hurrying over to help use his muscle.

The others desparetly searched around the room for loose objects, pulling planks off the windows and grabbing lamps that no longer worked.

Running towards the walkers, they swung their melee weapons, taking out the walkers that had made their way inside.

I clenched my jaw, I could only shoot if it was needed, the bullets needed to be saved. As soon as we were out of this room, we need to run, weapons or no weapons on us. And if we had to ran so fast that we couldn't get the opportunity to grab weapons, we'd need these bullets.

A loud yelp cut off my worried train of though as I looked over, a walker had pounced on Nova, knocking him onto his back. The male struggled, hands held up, holding the walkers head away from him.

I  sprung up to my feet hurriedly, I'd need to get close to make sure I wouldn't accidentally shoot Nova.

Cocking the gun, I held it to the walkers head "hold him still!" I commanded, placing my finger on the trigger, I squeezed tightly.


My brows furrowed, I pulled the trigger again, and again, and again. "No! No, no, no" I chanted. Unable to waste anymore time, I hit the walker over the back of the head with the butt of the gun. Knocking it aside, I rose my foot, slamming the heel of my boot down on it's head. Weak skull collapsing under my weight.

I panted heavily, reached down to help Nova up "thanks for the help" he mumbled with a tired grin, quickly picking up his plank of wood and going to help the others.

I looked down at the gun, and hesitantly pulled the magazine out of the gun. Peering down into it "Dammit!" I huffed, throwing the gun and the magazine down at the ground.

The grin flashing across the Roy's face, the gun he so willingly threw to me, the man who blew a whole in the wall. The walkers that I had lead here after bringing back that key, gathering us all in one room.

This was his plan.

He wasn't being nice. 

This was a massacre

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