Chapter 37: Well Damn

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

The walker reared it's ugly head, the slimy decaying skin of it's forehead was in focus. My brows furrowed in focus as things seemed to move in slow focus, and a plan started forming in my mind.

When I pull the trigger, the loud sound is going to attract the walkers. I'll have only a matter of seconds to find wherever the key had been kicked to, run out of the house, down the drive way and passed the walkers before any of them could grab me.

With a deep, shaky breath, I watched as the walker drew closer. And as I squeezed the trigger, time seemed to catch up.

My breath was nearly knocked out of me as I heard the loud sound of the gun going off. The high pitched noise of my ear drums being damaged rang through my ears. There was a slump amidst the ringing, the sound of the body hitting the floor.

Knowing I didn't have enough time to recover from shooting, I sprinted into the house, almost slipping on the blood and brain that had sprayed out the back of the male's head from the bullet wound.

I could already hear the hissing and groaning sound of the walkers approaching, throwing myself onto the floor, I grunted in pain at the feeling of my knees hitting the floor. I hurriedly searched, pressing my cheek to the floor I panted heavily as my eyes darted around.

Surely enough, the key had been kicked up the drawers by the door "why the hell do people put tables here?" I huffed to myself, crawling over to it quickly, I bit my lip and slipped my arm underneath the table.

"Come on, come on" my hand patted against the floor blindly, the walkers were getting closer and my arm wasn't getting any longer. I could feel the edge of the table digging into my shoulder.

The key had been pushed up against the wall and apparently, the width of the drawers was about 6 foot long.

I let out a curse under my breath and with a huff I stood up "screw this, I haven't got the time", standing off to the side, I landed a hard but swift kick to the side of the table, knocking it over. I hurriedly reached down to grab the newly revealed key.

Hurriedly stuffing it in my pocket I turned around to see how far the walkers had progressed, I had a very, very  small window of opportunity to get around the corner before the drive way was completely blocked by walkers.

Leaping over the body lying on the ground, I ran as fast as I could towards the oncoming hoard. My eyes darted to the gap between them and the corner, picking up the pace, I clenched my jaw as my thighs began to burn.

I dashed directly towards the opening, the corner that was slowly growing smaller, and as I grew closer and closer, the gap grew smaller.

Panting heavily, I was only a few feet away when a walker stumbled sideways, blocking my path.

I clenched my jaw and narrowed in on the walker "Out. Of. My. Way" I grunted, lifting my leg up, I landed a hard kick to the walkers leg, the weakened bone breaking upon meeting my foot. Leaping forward just in time before another walker could reach for me, my foot landed upon the brittle skull, crushing its brains upone impact.

The walker stilled and quickly I raced out through the opening, walkers were on my tail and I was only barely keeping ahead of them.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit" I chanted as I raced down the road, I had to figure out a way to lose them. The captors wouldn't let me in if they  knew they wouldn't be able to shut the door in time.

I picked up the pace, and I continued to run. Down the streets towards the hide out, desperately rushing forward to try and gain some more speed, to try and create some more distance.

If I just separated us a little more, just a little bit, they'd let me through. My legs were impossibly tired, and my head was growing light from the oxygen that seemed to fail in it's travel to my lungs.

I glanced over my shoulder to check the distance between the hoard and myself, luckily, the distance was greater than how we started.

"Come on legs! Come on!" I yelled to myself, desperately gasping for breath "OPEN THE DOOR" I yelled at the top of my lungs as the door to the building came into sight.

I could see the guards on the balcony staring down at me "GODAMMIT OPEN THE DOOR SO HELP ME GOD" I yelled once again.

Not a few moments after my yell the door was yanked open and I swan dived straight through, immediately the door was slammed shut behind me and not a few seconds laters there was the banging of the dead walking straight into the walls.

The door was locked and secured to ensure they wouldn't break through. I panted heavily on the floor, body feeling to weak to move. Everything ached and my lungs burned like I had swallowed acid.

"Did you get the key?" came a familiar voice, I gulped and greedily sucked in air, weakly dragging my hand across to floor, I slowly slipped my hand in my pocket, grasping the key and pulled it out of my pocket and held it up.

Roy grinned and reached down, snatching the key from my hand "good job! Take her to the room, she needs to rest".

Strong hands grasped my arms and pulled me onto my weak feet "Well done (Y/N), you'll definitely be rewarded for this".

"The best reward, Roy, never ever  make me do something like that again"

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