Chapter 4: Killing

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

When i woke up officially Cry was sitting against a tree next to me, one arm was bent upwards aginst his chest another the other was stretched outwards. One arm was resting on his bent leg and the other was massaging his barely visible temple.

I sat up getting Cry's attention "morning" he called, his voice was slightly chirpier then last night and i could only assume he cried out his sadness for the time being. I picked up my backpack "are you hungry?" i asked, he shook his head but a low grumble told me otherwise, chuckling i reached into my backpack and pulled out two bags of crisps and tossed one to Cry keeping the other for myself.

Popping open the bag and munching on some crisps i leaned against the tree like Cry did, a sudden ringing alerted me. Jumping up i reached into my pocket and removed my phone, the number wasn't familiar. Cautious i clicked the answer button and held the phone to my ear "hello?" i said "hey" it was a females voice, she was whispering and seemed panicked "who is this?" i asked.

"It's the secretary for the CIA" she whispered, i gasped and sat up straight "what is it? Are you hurt?" i asked, she replied with a yes. She appeared to be running "everyone is dead" she whispered shakily "what? The people you worked with?" i asked "yeah, you were the only one who ever called to ask directly, i have no family, you were the first person i could think of, please! One of those things got in, it killed everyone! It bit me!" she yelled.

Before i could answer any further questions i heard her whisper "oh God..." before there was a groaning and then a loud scream. Pulling the phone away from my ear with a wince, the screaming suddenly cut off "hello? Hello?" i called into the reply. With a sigh i hung up "who was that?" Cry asked.

I stared at the phone in disbelief before looking up at Cry with the same expression "it was the secretary from the CIA...everyone is dead, she's dead" i said. Cry mouth dropped as did a crisp that was hanging from his lips onto the grassy ground below.

I dropped my head "they're dead, they can't figure out how to fix this now" i whispered. Cry sighed and stood resting a comforting hand on my shoulder "there are more then just one building or department of the CIA. they're other people figuring it out, it's going to be okay" he encouraged.

I ran a hand through my hair and nodded "what are you gonna do Cry?" i asked "we'll figure something out, come on lets keep moving we have to get to somewhere safe" he held a hand in front of my face. I took his hand and we took off, lucikly there weren't many walkers out here as there were in the city and the ones we saw we avoided, there was no need for comfrontation.

But of course there were some we couldn't avoid, as always i trailed behind Cry so he didn't notice the rotting corpse gaining on us. All i had was my baseball bat, i turned towards it whlie the walker tried to jump me.

I dodged in the opposite direction causing the walker to stumble forward, bringing up my foot i kicked it in the back forcing it too fall. The sound caught Cry's attention and he turned to us, making sure to keep my foot on the walker's back so it couldn't get back up i lifted the baseball above my head and brough it down on the softened head.

The first blow only made a small dent in the skull the walker was unaffected, the second bloow made a larger dent and pushed the walker's face into the ground. Lifting the bat higher and throwing it down harder, the thrid time the skull smashed open revealing blackened blood and sludge that on close inspection could be recognized as a brain.

I heaved stepping back, splotches of dark blood littering my face and clothing "d*mn" Cry muttered, i flicked the blood of the bat and lifted it onto my shoulder "let's go" i said looking up at the masked male and stepping over the dead body. This time i lead the way and Cry followed, my second kill, still isn't easy this isn't the kind of thing you could get used too.

Wiping sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand i sighed "we might need to loot for things soon" i said to Cry who was now walking at the same pace as i am "the next car or house we see we'll do it" he informed.

I realize i'm going to need to do a lot more of this, a lot more killing and i don't think it's going to get any easier...

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