Chapter 49: Isolation

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Krism wept, crying harder than I had even seen before. Her chirpy face flitted into mind, the bright smile and the reassuring words, seeing her like this, face stained with blood and tears; it was almost like looking at a different person. 

Minx wasn't much different, gritting her teeth through her tears, jaw trembling to mask her anger, fear and worry for the situation. 

With the barrel of the gun in Minx's hand pointed and aimed at the centre of my forehead, I held up my hands to try and calm her "can I see the bite?" I asked slowly, "I'm not armed, I promise" I span slowly so she could se that there wasn't a weapon on my body. 

The gun trembling in her hand, she lowered it slightly and glanced down and Krism for her permission, the raven haired female sniffled and took a shaky breath before slowly nodding and holding out her injured arm for me to inspect. 

Stepping forward I grasped her wrist gently, away from the bite so it wouldn't pain her, I winced at the site of the wound, obviously excruciatingly painful. There was a large set of bite marks that had sunken deep into the skin, below that, a smaller section of her skin was missing, ripped out when she had pulled her arm away from the walker. 

I tried to keep my eyes away from that part, feeling my stomach churn at the sight of the bloodied muscle and tissue damaged from the teeth. The striking part about the wound wasn't the wound itself, but the areas around it, ignoring the obvious bruising, I instead focused on the dark green and blue protruding veins that ran up her arm. 

I let out a quiet curse under my breath "this isn't good" I whispered, reaching up to brush the tip of the longest vein, which had just reached her collar bone. 

"What? What is it?" Minx asked panicked, glancing down at her wife but making sure not to keep her eyes off the rest of the group just in case. 

I released Krism's wrist gently with a breath of anguish "we can't amputate" I mumbled solemnly "what? Amputate?" Krism whispered, voice trembling in horror. 

"Those veins, that's the infection, the virus, it's already spread to her torso, cutting off the bite area won't do anything it's too late, I'm sorry" I mumbled under my breath, head lowering I bit into my lower lip and stepped away from them. 

"So what are you saying?" Minx's voice had stooped to a weak whisper, tears building quickly in her eyes "there's nothing we can do? She's going to die?". 

"Minx, Krism, I'm so sorry" I could feel my own throat closing, my voice cracking as my constricted airways cut them. I balled my hands at my sides, gripping the fabric of my trousers tightly in my hands, my eyes squeezing closed as I desperately wished away the situation. 

I could hear the clattering of plastic as it fell to the ground, and as I hesitantly peeked my eyes open to stare at the ground I could see the gun that had once been in Minx's hand had fallen to the floor. 

There was a loud cry of heartbreak, desperation and helplessness as Minx dropped to her knees, Krism falling with her, clutched to her chest tightly. Her arms wrapped around her wife desperately, slowly rocking back and forth as she sobbed into the top of Krism's head. 

"We need to separate her" came Cole's quiet whisper from behind me, I pursed my lips and gulped down a whimper of despair, I nodded in agreement. 

"Just give them a moment to be with each other".


It felt like they had sat their, sobbing in each other's arms for a life time, or it could've been a second. It seemed like an eternity saying goodbye wouldn't be enough. Cole and Mark, the most built of the group were the one's to separate them. 

Gently, they hooked their arms under Krism's and slowly pried her away. Ohm and Nova clutched onto Minx as she screamed, cried and begged for them to let her go. Hands stretched out to reach for her wife desperately. 

Krism's head hung as tears fell from her face silently, her head lowered, dishevelled hair covering her distraught features. They took her to one of the houses and placed her in the bedroom, locking the door shut with hesitance and sincere apologies. 

Minx pushed off Ohm and Nova as soon as Cole and Mark had remerged, clenching her jaw and balling her fists tightly, she stormed her way towards the house that she had previously shared with Krism and slammed the door shut behind her. 

When they left I could feel the rush of the events catching up to me, eyes wide and breath laboured I turned around and pushed through the crowd. Shoulders tense, I speed walked by way back towards the house. 

The churning in my stomach only seemed to worsen and I hurried to hold a hand over my mouth as I gagged. Rushing around to the back of the house to avoid puking in the toilet, which wouldn't flush, I doubled over in the garden. 

Eyes squeezing closed as tears pushed their way out of my tear ducts, the only thing that left me was bile due to my lack of eating the past few days. I could hear the rushed footsteps of someone catching up to me, and moments later gentle hands held my hair away and rubbed my back as I heaved. 

I let out a shaky sob as I finished, knees buckling, the hand released my hair to catch me before I could fall. Wiping my mouth with a trembling hand I slowly turned around to face the person who had come to console me. 

I wasn't surprised to see Cry standing there, my touch façade crumbled away in an instant and I looked up at him. The inner corners of my brows pinched together and pushed up in a genuine display of heart break, jaw clenched and lips parted, anger and confusion filled eyes filling with rapidly growing tears. 

"Oh (Y/N)" he whispered sympathetically.

Pulling me into his chest I let out a desperate cry, burying my face in his shoulder I wrapped my arms around him tightly, hands balling and grasping at the back of his shirt, searching eagerly for some kind of support. 

Holding my head to his chest he pressed his cheek to the top of my head and the only thing he could do was try to whisper reassuringly "shh, shh, everything's going to be okay" he whispered quietly. 

But no matter how many times I was told that. 

I knew it wasn't true. 

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