Chapter 16: Ghost Stories

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

Day had fallen and night stood in it's place, and what better way to bond than over a campfire? Except it wasn't a campfire it was a fireplace, we had cleaned the place up a little so we could sit on the floor without getting glass stuck on our cheeks.

"So! What shall we do?" Pewds asked "how about we tell ghost stories MWAHAHa-" Nova cut himself off with a cough "u-uh...are you sure?" Phil trembled "don't be a wuss puss" Dan teased. Eventually we decided on ghost stories. Pewdiepie grabbed a torch holding it under his chin and flipping it on so a shadow cast over his face.

"It was a dark and stormy night-" he started "here we go" Ohm muttered with a chuckle "Ey! Let me tell my story bro!" the Swede replied. "Where was I? Oh! It was a dark and stormy night, in a far off place, in a creep wood was a boy!" Pewds whisper yelled "the boy shivered in the cold, dark, woods" I saw Phil scoot closer to Dan and smiled.

"Suddenly the boy saw bright red eyes staring at him through the woods, it was..." Phil, Nova, Krism, and Mark shivered "a bear!" well that was....anticlimactic. I shook my head with a smile and pinched the bridge of my nose.

Before Pewds could continue Ken cut him off "Okay! How about someone else?" I rose me hand "I'll go" I shrugged. I cleared my throat and shook my head as Pewds offered up the torch, I wouldn't need it for this to be scary "this story takes place in the school I used to go to, since it was rather large, there were 4 buildings on school grounds including a church, the tallest building had 8 floors so it was a popular suicide attraction" They began to get nervous.

"There were many instances of death I had witnessed, a drunk motorcyclist crashed into a pole outside, the blood stain is still there. A girl outside began randomly coughing up a whole head full of hair, the doctors have yet to explain why. And the scariest was a teacher, she had accidentally fallen off a balcony, and every night you can see her, her silhouette, her ghost wandering the halls and falling off the balcony reliving her death day after day" Pewds whimpered, clinging onto Cry.

"It was the night of a school play which took place outside for the stage was too large to put inside, I was performing as a dancer, when I looked up I saw her screaming face as she fell towards me. That image will never leave my mind" (it's a true story you guys, it happened to me and the school I was in, except for the last part I exaggerated that a bit).

"O-okay how about we all just go to bed?" Mark suggested they ran off in a group scared by the story I had told. I snickered at their fear and stood, dusting off my jeans, Cry was still standing there "you don't have to wait for me you know, you can go up" I said, Cry chuckled and nodded "I know, be honest your story was spooky and I don't really want to go up alone" he admitted.

I shook me head with a giggle and walked over to him "come on then" since our rooms were close he wouldn't be too scared. I stopped at my door, Cry's was right next to mine "well uh...goodnight, I guess" I was about to enter my room when Cry gripped my arm gently "could I um- possibly stay with you tonight? I'm really freaked out" I rose my brows in shock.

"O-only if you're okay with it though!" I smiled at him and nodded "sure, come on" I pushed the door open for him to enter. He didn't look around since all the rooms were pretty much the same, "I can sleep on the floor if you have a pillow" he offered "nonsense, I can't ask you to do that, I'll sleep on the floor you take the bed" I argued.

"No, no I insist I'll take the floor"

"No, I will"

"I will"

"Will you just take the bed?!"

"No, I'll sleep on the floor!"

"No, I wi-"

"How about we both just sleep on the bed okay? And end this argument" Cry finished, I crossed my arms and pursed my lips looking away from him "fine" I agreed. I walked towards the bed and sat down, I peeled off my flannel revealing a grey tank top underneath, pushing off my boots I removed my hair from the messy ponytail and climbed under the blanket.

Cry did the same, we kept our backs turned to once again "goodnight" he whispered, I hesitated for a moment "night" I replied. I stared in the darkness of a room for a moment before shifting so I was more comfortable. Placing my head on my head I glanced to the side as if trying to see if Cry was asleep yet or not.

With a silent sigh I shook my head and closed my eyes, doing my best to drift off to sleep, trying to ignore the fact the opposite gender was inches away and sleeping in the same bed as I was. Not to mention someone I had admired 'from a distance' if you could call it that.


I barely got any sleep last night, as soon as the sun rose I darted out of bed and towards the upstairs balcony. I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair, I was kind of regretting letting Cry stay in my room, he slept like a log but it was really awkward for me.

I stayed on the edge of the bed, teetering every now and then when I lost balance. I stayed as far away from him as possible, it almost felt like I was 6 years old again trying to get away from boys with cooties.

I threw a leg over and then the other, sitting down on the barrier, I looked down seeing the walkers roam aimlessly below, looking to turn any living thing into their next buffet. "Don't do it!" I heard a yell, I glanced behind me.

There stood Phil with a panicked look on his face "don't jump, the world's messed up right now but there's still reason to live" he reasoned. I cocked a brow in confusion before noticing my position, it looked like I was going to jump. I chuckled "why are you laughing?!" he asked flabbergasted "Phil, I'm not going to jump, I'm just sitting up here" he seemed wary before letting out a sigh of relief and approaching.

Phil rested against the railing "so why are you out here?" he questioned, "you really want to know?" I replied, the adorkable male nodded "well...where do I begin...?".

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