Chapter 9: Friend

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Before I start off this chapter I wanted to thank all of you so, so much. All your sweet and supportive comments really helped. I know there are some out there thinking I was fishing for attention and I don't blame you for thinking that, even if it isn't true. Anyways, Depression isn't something you can just get over but I'm on my way there and it's all because of you guys, thank you. I love you all so, so much.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

I wrapped the bodice of my over shirt around Cole's arm, using the sleeved to tie it on in a quick way to stop the bleeding. Janice approached a dangerous look in her eyes "remember Cole, we're been side by side for years don't betray me".

Up close I just managed to notice a scar across Cole's neck, running jagged almost like someone had tried to slit his throat and he struggled. The scar was an old one.

Cole looked unsure, glancing between me and Janice "Cole, this is your choice. Come with us, you can be free from Janice, you won't have to hurt anymore". Cole looked down at me and pursed his lips, I was so focused on Cole that I didn't even notice, Janice was creeping up behind me a knife in hand.

Cry was about to tackle her when Cole grabbed my arm and forced me behind him knocking the knife out of Janice's hand. Janice was enraged, Cry snickered "that's what you get crazy lady!" as Janice glared at the masked man he yelped and ran over also hiding behind Cole.

I spared a look to Cry that screamed 'Really?' he shrugged sheepishly. Janice balled her hands to her side "Cole, think about what you're doing" she spoke with her teeth clenched.

Janice pulled her gun out and aimed it at Cole's stomach, so if she shot him there's a likely chance he would survive. Her finger balanced on the trigger, as she squeezed her hand the slightest I jumped forward grabbing the woman's arm and aiming it at the sky, forcing her to waster the majority of her bullets on the ceiling.

Janice knocked the butt of the gun against my cheek, I stumbled away holding my throbbing face. As a metallic taste hit me, I spat onto the floor, a wad of blood and saliva now sat on the floor. I could feel the blood dripping down my nose and the side of my mouth from the force of the hit.

Not bothering to wipe it away I growled at her, glaring. Holding my jaw, I stretched it too see if it was still in tact, luckily it wasn't broken. As I tried o collected myself, trying to blink away the dizziness her blow had caused, Janice sneaked up.

Her gun aimed at my head "(Y/N)!" Cry yelled attempting to run to me but Cole kept him away and taking a deep breath before yelling "NO!". Janice stopped, a look of surprise on her face. To my surprise, an English accent was evident in his voice.

As the dizziness faded I looked to Cole, he had his chest puffed out and was looking down sternly at Janice. Her jaw dropped "Cole...yo- you speak?" she asked, the blonde woman trembled.

Cole took threatening steps towards her "years...I spent watching as he tortured and hurt innocent people" his voice was shaky, I assume because he hasn't talked in ages. Janice stumbled back fearfully until she ended up in the chair she had kept me in.

Cole stood in front of her a look of distaste in his eyes "all my scars, they were all caused by you. Not anymore, you will put an end to this Janice". Despite her evident fear she still had the audacity to snap at him "and if I don't?".

Cole stepped even closer "I'm not giving you that option". Cole held out his hand, hesitantly Janice dropped the gun into his open palm and lowered her head. Cole disengaged the weapon, removing the ammo and dissembling it.

He threw the now useless gun at the wall "miss (Y/N), mister Cry" we shall go now" he stated. I nodded and we turned to the door, as we were about to step out Janice let out an ear piercing scream.

We turned to look at her, her hair was down framing her face. The shadow it left covering her features looks sinister, Janice was huffing her hands balled at her sides to tightly that I could see blood dripping from my hands. The cause, her fingernails piercing her palm.

She took a shaky step forward "I will not! Let you leave here....I've worked too hard, I've spent too long to get at the top of the food chain! You're not getting away!" she looked up a crazed look in her eyes, an insane smile on her face.

She ran at us long nails at the ready, waving her hands about determined to land a scratched on us she stops as Cole calmly grips each side of her head. Cole sighed, holding Janice's face in his hands.

He frowned sadly "I loved you" he whispered, I put a hand over my mouth in shock "you were a hero, but you turned into a villain there's no hope for you now Janice". The woman whimpered looking up at him, Cole let a small smile grace his face.

The ginger haired male leaned down pressing his lips to Janice's who gripped his arms and closed her eyes reciprocating the kiss. He pulled away "I'm sorry, my love" she shook her head "no, please, please Cole, no. No! Cole! NO!!! Don't please, ple-" there was a silencing crack.

Cole had just his eyes and with a harsh spin broke her neck, Cole lay her down gently and closed her lifeless eyes. He turned to face us "now...we can go, friends".

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